Mathilda LeLapin:
a female point of view
Mathilda LeLapin:
tender approach
Mathilda LeLapin:
it‘s a strange world
Mathilda LeLapin:
frosti LIII.
Mathilda LeLapin:
frosti LII.
Mathilda LeLapin:
Mathilda LeLapin:
aufräumen I.
Mathilda LeLapin:
sometimes I close my eyes
Mathilda LeLapin:
me, quite pregnant and quite tired
Mathilda LeLapin:
still trying my best
Mathilda LeLapin:
I try
Mathilda LeLapin:
Mathilda LeLapin:
distributive verteilung no 1
Mathilda LeLapin:
frosti XX.
Mathilda LeLapin:
the fog XVII.
Mathilda LeLapin:
other people don't get tired
Mathilda LeLapin:
Mathilda LeLapin:
oh foggy day
Mathilda LeLapin:
morning jewels
Mathilda LeLapin:
preparing the next show
Mathilda LeLapin:
Mathilda LeLapin:
you must not be perfect she said
Mathilda LeLapin:
Mathilda LeLapin:
climb every mountain
Mathilda LeLapin:
trying some new things
Mathilda LeLapin:
mood of the day
Mathilda LeLapin:
I'm gonna comfort you, will you comfort me
Mathilda LeLapin:
lines (make yourself comfortable)