gloligneyar: 10-10-2009 05;02;58PM
gloligneyar: George's brain scan
gloligneyar: The Tulip Tree
gloligneyar: The Oligney's
gloligneyar: The Red Hot Hattitudes
gloligneyar: Patches, relaxing in the sun
gloligneyar: Saryn, Christmas 2006
gloligneyar: Savannah, Christmas 2006
gloligneyar: Grandpa and his Christmas present
gloligneyar: George and his friend
gloligneyar: Avery Rose
gloligneyar: Great Grandma, Linda, Dave,Mike, Great Great Grandpa Howe in background
gloligneyar: Tyler at his best
gloligneyar: Madalyn and Savannah
gloligneyar: Savannah and Riley
gloligneyar: George and Glenn
gloligneyar: Riley loves to climb