Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
April Showers Bring May Flowers....
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Natures tiny, little paint brushes
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Stand TALL, little Daisy ;)
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Just need 1 wish <3
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Wishing for more Wishes.....
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Apple Blossoms & Raindrops
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Translucent ~ Explore
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
My Tranquility ~ Explore 3/26/2014
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Spring is in the air.......
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
gloomy, rainy days ~ Explore 3/7/2014~
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Dreaming of Spring......
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Color Purple
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
snowflake or feather ??
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Evening sky full of colors
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Marble Rain Drop~ Explore#15 - 1/14/2014
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
November Rain ~ 2013
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Eye of the Hunter - Explore#7 (01/06/2014)
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Time for a Cat Nap :)
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
The Eye of The Tiger ...... Explore #416 1-4-2014
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Merry Christmas PDX
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
O 'Bokeh' Christmas Tree
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
A Very Merry 'Bokeh' Christmas
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Mr. Marbles bird watching through the window
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Light as a Feather ~ #4
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Light as a Feather #3
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Light as a Feather #2
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Light as a Feather
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
A Piece of History - The Navy 1940's
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Happy Veterans Day
Mrs Sarah Pierce Photography:
Toadstool <3