blueP739: gazina1
crankykoopa: Up Close and Personal (Bumble Bee)
sebboh: butterfly garden V
sebboh: morning light II
Don Briggs: Lily Stamen in a row
Ianmoran1970: Back to the pier and along the lines, one year on flickr. Explored Frontpage
Jersey Yen: year-end s.portrait
fatmanwalking: Morning Glory
Samoyeddawn: Luke enjoying the late afternoon sun
thescatteredimage: Not your ordinary cruciferous vegetable (ii)
china.sixty4: 1:54pm - the wall
Rick Nunn: Coffee Splash
rogvon: Fenced in.
rogvon: How do I mend a 'bokeh' heart?
rogvon: This week "LED lights & Bokeh"...
rogvon: "Presenting. The Amazing QB!"
rogvon: Tilt shift on the E-P1 - Trois
rogvon: The freeport of Bokehistan
rogvon: It's mesmerising only when you are not stuck in one...
rogvon: No one gets Chicken Pox in Bokehistan - except me
rogvon: Strangers in Bokehistan - 3
rogvon: There's always a Chinatown in every major city - even in far flung Bokehistan
h2ades: 07h05 et le monde continuait de tourner
h2ades: Come on, son, just seat here, near jesus!...
h2ades: paon
h2ades: L'échine courbée sous la pluie tombante, tous se rendaient à l'usine.
h2ades: Craintifs, ils tentaient de se cacher sous les herbes folles
D.James | Darren J. Ryan: vertical neighborhood.
halyoka: Pigeon