amadeushound: Concentrate
amadeushound: Growing up
amadeushound: Little and Large
amadeushound: Sachait
amadeushound: Watching
amadeushound: Here !!
amadeushound: 17 weeks
amadeushound: 20120828_152729_2-1
amadeushound: Keeping Cool
amadeushound: Splash
amadeushound: All played out.
amadeushound: Rat Pack
amadeushound: Sandy Nose
amadeushound: Water Water
amadeushound: Standing Proud
amadeushound: The Pack
amadeushound: Sachait
amadeushound: In flight
amadeushound: Play bow
amadeushound: Piggy in the middle
amadeushound: Bram and Sachait
amadeushound: My Best Side?
amadeushound: I'm Ready For My Close Up
amadeushound: Why So Serious?
amadeushound: Inbound !!
amadeushound: Happy Pup
amadeushound: Learning New Games
amadeushound: Best Friends