Jason Whittaker: Jason chez Lipp
RJOPerry: Session1_RJP_001
ida55: Exeter B&W (96 of 113)
ida55: London Photo 2013 (70 of 151)
black0unicorn: Reflections - Session 1
Don1597: Stairs Session1
armstrongsteve60: Session1 Waltham B-A
Barry Rosenfeld: Session1_Ocean_BW2
sherrireed1253: DSC_4795
sherrireed1253: DSC_4800l
sherrireed1253: DSC_1813-2 copy
J Henry G: "The Party's Over"
SilverRosePhotography123: Moth To A Flame
SilverRosePhotography123: Wax Reflections
deanhohn55: Great Egret
jilllee48: I am beautiful
marke59: games_of_Thaur_sunrise_b&w_edition
2010jfb: black and white no.8
2010jfb: black and white no3
Keith Stead: Maureen
Paul van Helden: Nederland 2013-1080-1.jpg
Mary Knaggs: LeafDroplets
GaryMacPics: Roswell Ivory 23rd October 2015 AWOL 13
Gordon Bishop: LZ monkey hands 2 (1 of 1)