David~O: Morning Light
David~O: Desert Sunrise
David~O: Solpugid
David~O: Yellow-Backed Spiny Lizard
David~O: "Bakersfield Falls"
David~O: Leaf Footed Plant Bug
David~O: Leaf Footed Plant Bug
David~O: Solpugid
David~O: Leaf-footed Plant Bug
David~O: Housefly on Shade Cloth
David~O: Mouse
David~O: Tarantula
David~O: Lone Pine Lake
David~O: Nobe Young Falls
David~O: Nobe Young Falls
David~O: Nobe Young Falls
David~O: Purple Mat
David~O: Brown-Eyed Evening Primrose
David~O: Phacelia Closeup
David~O: The View South of Ridgecrest
David~O: Phacelia and Goldfields
David~O: Searles Lake and the Town of Trona
David~O: Naomi and William
David~O: Leaf Footed Plant Bugs
David~O: mono_lake_panorama_20140707
David~O: IMG_3927.JPG
David~O: IMG_3932.JPG
David~O: IMG_3820.CR2_7LVTBX_mt_lion_calm_4x6
David~O: IMG_3824.CR2_1KY5BX_red_flower_bush_closeup_4x6
David~O: IMG_3826.CR2_IZ0DBX_bobcat_calm_4x6