Landscape Photography Magazine: Free Feature • Read the 'Behind the scene' story
Bio. Milch.: Castle keep and gallows tree
cerwerkstatt: Lake Geneva Houses
PasqwhalePhotography: Some 720nm Infrared off the iPhone 14 Pro using the Hoya r72 Filter. Sunny weather is perfect for infrared.
Riki click: Leamaneh Castle at sunset
wild prairie man: 2105_3783 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Frank C. Grace (Trig Photography): 3 out of 6 Strings ain't bad
wild prairie man: 2107_0016 Common Nighthawk
13skies: Forever Fields (HTT)
Michael Roell: Porzellanfabrik S.
Michael Roell: H.Knittel
Jackie ...: Smile on Saturday - vases and flowerpots ...
Bill Smith1: Pleasentville Updated House
13skies: Gone With Time (HSS)
Michael Roell: Krankenhaus C.
13skies: The Conversation (HSS)
Frank C. Grace (Trig Photography): The Hearthside House
Lucretia My Reflection: Fear my punishment
Lucretia My Reflection: Sweet dreams...
Lucretia My Reflection: Love me tender But kill me slowly
Lucretia My Reflection: I leave nothing behind if my words are left unheard
Lucretia My Reflection: Who are we to be saved?
Lucretia My Reflection: I wait for you...