MayorPaprika: Christmas Day - The Reason - BP 360/366
Bruce aka Bingee: The Real Meaning
augphoto: Looking Glass Rock
Doug Lawley: Evening Grosbeak (m)
Doug Lawley: Young White-tailed buck
Doug Lawley: Eastern Phoebe
Doug Lawley: Dealing with pesky flies!
Doug Lawley: Cormorant posing in forest fire smoke
Doug Lawley: White-tailed Deer
Doug Lawley: Baltimore Oriole IMGP9405_RE
Albert Jan Becking: Hauhechel-Bläuling . Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg, 1775) . Azuré commun / Argus bleu . Common blue . Icarusblauwtje
Andi Fritzsch: Der Schwarze Teich
ltodd1: Posing pretty....
Chuck Hantis: White-tailed Deer
minsaflama: ADORMIT.
minsaflama: DESPERT.
im2fast4u2c: 2 Timothy 2:1-2 New Living Translation
ltodd1: Raspberry jam almost complete!
Bruce aka Bingee: Two is Company
rumerbob: Belted Kingfisher Female with a fish.
rumerbob: Garden Petunias B.
ltodd1: Rock Creek gang....
Paul McGoveran: Killdeer 3115
Bruce aka Bingee: small place in a big world
Don's PhotoStream: Find Bliss, Stay Awhile
alan jackman: John Heinz Shorebirds, John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge