Joel Tjintjelaar: New Frontier I - Into The Unknown
ai_annmary: Last Rose for my father...
leahpeeks: red vs blue - for publication
artyfishal44: divinE- divide
Karen Cattoire: Treasures of Vanuatu
mandala3: oosters motief 1
artyfishal44: retinA scan(chronic stone eater)
Karen Cattoire: Maori symbols
artyfishal44: somewhere-over-the-rainbOw.
artyfishal44: dormant trance theory
mandala3: verwerking
artyfishal44: alchemic
berryvantuijl: Walking salto ??
mandala3: kristal
mandala3: kristal in facetten
mangolozolo: Acrylic painting 5ft by 4ft
artyfishal44: keltiC moode
mandala3: berusting
artyfishal44: light muse
blue_sea_art: Unfolding Heart
mandala3: avalon
mandala3: spectrum
blue_sea_art: New Years Mandala
artyfishal44: egO-is-not-a-dirty-word!
*Sally M*: Rainbow Swirl
artyfishal44: spherEizing
artyfishal44: orgtecprO
cutiepie06: Blue Danube Interlude
cutiepie06: Eye of The Lady Illusion
karl_eschenbach: The Power