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Deleaster dichrous
0.000 MIcros to ID 2121/2/3
Geometrids to ID 2021/2/3
0.000 Macros to ID 2121/2/3
1.005. Micropterix calthella. (5)
2.006. Eriocrania subpurpurella. 6.
2.008. Eriocrania sangii. 12.
3.001. Triodea sylvina. Orange Swift
3.002. Korscheltellus lupulina. Common Swift.
3.003. Corscheltellus fusconebulosa. Map-winged Swift.
3.004. Gold Swift. Phymatopus hecta.
3.005. Hepialus humuli. Ghost Moth.
7.001. Nemophora degeerella.
7.006. Adela reaumurella. BF 150
8.002. Incuvaria masculella.
11.001. Diplodroma laichartingella
11.006. Taleporia tubulosa
12.004. Haplotinea insectella. (BF. 212)
12.016. Nemapogon cloacella. (Cork Moth)
12.032. Tinea semifulvella. 246.
12.033. Tinea trinotella.
12.036. Monopis laevigella. Skin Moth.
12.037. Monopis weaverella
12.039. Monopis crocicapitella. 230.
12.048. Psychoides filicivora
14.002. Bucculatrix nigricomella. 266.
14.009. Bucculatrix thoracella. (BF. 273)
15.003. Cloptilia populatorum
15.004. Caloptilia elongella. 282.
15.005. Caloptilia betulicola.
15.006. Caloptilia rufipennella. (BF. 284)
15.010. Catoptilia stigmatella.
15.011. Caloptilia falconipenella.
15.014. Gracillaria syringella
15.015. Aspilapteryx tringipennella. 294.
15.028. Parornix anglicella
15.029. Parornix devoniella.
15.034. Phyllonorycta harrisella
15.040. Phyllonorycter messaniella. 321.
15.046. Phyllonorycter blancardella. (BF.326)
15.053. Firethorn leaf minor. 332a.
15.056. Phyllonorycter salicicolella. BF. 335
15.067. Phyllonorycter rajella. (BF. 345)
15.080. Phyllonorycter froelichiella. (BF. 358)
15.084. Phyllonorycter acerifoliella
15.089. Comeraria ohridella. Horse Chestnut Leaf Minor.
16.001. Yponomeuta evonymella. Bird-cherry Ermine.
16.002. 16.003. 16.004. Yponomeuta, species.
16.003. Yponomeuta malinellus. (BF. 426. Apple Ermine/
16.004. Yponoeuta cagnagella. (BF 427. Spindle Ermine)
16.005. Willow Ermine.
16.014. Pseudoswammerdamia combinella. (BF. 436. Copper-tipped Ermel)
16.017. Swammerdamia pyrella. 438.
16.020. Paraswammerdamia nebulella. 441.
16.021Cedestis gysseleniella. BF. 442
17.003. Ypsolopha dentella. 453. Honysuckle Moth.
17.005. Ypsolopha scabrella. 455.
17.006. Ypsolopha horridella. (BF. 456)
17.009. Ypsolopha sylvella.
17.010. Ypsolopha parenthecella. 460.
17.012. Ypsolopha sequella.
18.001. Plutella xylostella. Diamond-back Moth
19.002. Glyphipterix thrasonella. 397.
19.007. Glyphipterix simpliciella. 391.
20.011. Argyresthia brockeella. 410.
20.012. Argyresthia goedartella. 411.
20.016. Argyresthia retinella. 415.
20.019. Argyresthia conjugella. (263)
20.020. Argyresthia semifusca. 419.
20.021. Argyresthia pruniella.
20.022. Argyresthia bonnetella
15.033. Parornix torquillella. 309.
20.024. Argyresthia semitestacella. 423.
20.024. Argyresthia semitestacella
21.001. Lyonetia cleerkella. Apple Leaf Minor
21.004. Leucoptera laburnella. Laburnum Leaf Minor. BF254
22.002. Prays fraxinella
22.003. Prays ruficeps. 448a.
25.001. Scythropia crataegella.
27.001. Oegoconia quadripuncta
28.009. Endrosis sarcitrella. White-shouldered House Moth. 648.
28.010.Hofmannophilia pseudospretella. 647.
28.012. Borkhausenia fuscescens. BF. 644.
28.014. Crassa unitella. 642.
28.015. Batia lunaris. BF. 640.
28.019. Esperia sulphurella. 649.
29.001. diurnea fagella
31.001. Carcina quercana. 658.
32.003. Luqurtia lobella.
32.007. Agonopterix ocellana. 701.
32.015. Agonopterix subpropinquella. 692.
32.016. Agonopterix propinquella. 696.
32.017. Agonopterix arenella. 697
32.018. Agonopterix heracliana. 688.
32.031. Agonopterix alstromariana. 695.
32.032. Agonopterix angelicella. 713.
32.036. Depressaria radiella. 672. Parsnip Moth.
34.004. Limnaecia phragmitella.
35.017. Neofaculta
35.018. Hypatima rhomboidella. 858.
35.028. Brchmia blandella
35.031. Helcystogramma rufescens. 868.
35.038. Bryotropha domestica. 789.
35.040. Bryotropha terrella. 787.
35.046. Bryotropha senectella. 782.
35.047. Bryotropha affinis. 779.
35.050. Aristotelia ericinella. BF. 752.
35.056. Metzneria lappella. 724.
35.066. Monochroa tenebrella. (BF. 735. Common Plain Neb)
35.089. Prolita sexpunctella. BF. 794
35.109. Scrobipalpa acuminatella. (BF. 822)
35.125 Caryocolum viscariella. 882.
35.129. Caryocolum viscariella. 828.
35.132. Caryocolum fratenella. BF830
35.141. Teleiodes vulgella. 765.
35.146. Teleiopsis diffinis.
35.148. Carpatolechia fugitivella. 772.
36.001. Batrachedra praragusta
37.000. Coleophora, species.
37.006. Coleophora gryphipennella
37.015. Coleophora serratella. BF. 493)
37.016 Coleophora spinella
37.035. Coleophora alcyonipennella
37.038. Coleophora lineolea. 522.
37.039. Coleophora hemerobiella. 523.
37.048. Colyophora mayrella. 518.
37.063 Coleophora albicosta.
37.072. Coleophora atidipennella.
37.073. Coleophora alticolella. BF584.
37.093. Coleophora peribenanderi. 559.
38.032. Elachista apicipunctella. 602.
38.038. Elachista rufocinaria.
38.039. Elachista maculicerusella. 609.
39.001. Blastodacna hellerella. 905.
40.002. Mompha ochraceella. 886.
40.003 Mompha lacteella
40.006. Mompha jurassicella. (BF. 890)
40.008. Mompha subbistrigella. 892.
40.010. Mompha epilobiella. (BF. 893)
41.002. Blastobasis adustella. 873.
41.003. Blastobasis lacticolella. 874.
42.002. Stathmopoda pedella. BF. 877.
44.001. Alucita hexadactyla. 1288.
45.004. Platyptilia gonodactyla. (BF. 1501. Triangle Plume)
45.010. Amblyptilia acanthadactyla. 1497.
45.012. Stenoptylia pterodactylia. 1509. Brown Plume.
45.030. Pterophorus pentadactyla. 1513.
45.044. Emmelina monodactyla. 1524.
47.005. Epermenia chaerophyllella. (BF. 483)
48.001. Anthophila fabriciana. 385.
48.007. Choreutis pariana. Apple Leaf Skeletoniser.
49.002. Isotrias rectifasciana. 1014.
49.004. Ditula angustiorana. Red-barred Tortrix. 1010.
49.013. Archips podana. Large Fruit-tree Tortrix. 977.
49.016. Archips rosana. 981.
49.024. Pandemis corylana. Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix. 969.
49.025. Pandemis cerasana. Barred Fruit Tree Torteix. 970.
49.026. Pandemis heparana. Dark Fruit-Tree Tortrix. 972.
49.028. Syndemis musculana. 986.
49.029. Lozotaenia forsterana. 1002.
49.031. Aphelia paleana. TimothyTortrix. 989.
49.033. Aphelia viburnana. Bilberry Tortrix. 988.
49.037. Clepsis specrana. Cyclamen Tortrix. 993.
49.038. Clepsis consimilana. 994.
49.039. Epiphyes postivitana. Light Brown Apple Moth. 998.
49.040. Lozotaeniodes formosana
49.044. Tortricodes alternella. 1025.
49.045. Eana osseana.
49.047. Eana incanana. 1030.
49.051. Cnephasia asseclana. 1021.
49.055. Cnephasia communana
49.057. Cnephasia longana. 1016.
49.058. Spatalistis bifasciana. 1034.
49.059. Tortrix viridana. 1033.
49.060. Aleimma loeflingiana. 1032.
49.061. Acleris holmiana. 1037.
49.062. Acleris forsskaleana. 1036.
49.065/66. Acleris Comarian / laterana. 1038/9.
49.069. Acleris sparsana. 1041.
49.070. Acleris rhombana. 1042.
49.071. Acleris emargana. 1062,
49.073. Acleris schalleriana
49.076. Acleris cristana. (BF. 1054)
49.077. Acleris variegana. Garden Rose Tortrix. 1048.
49.080. Acleris hastiana. BF. 1053.
49.082. Acleris hyemana. 1055.
49.090. Eulia ministrana. 1015.
49.091. Pseudargyrotoza conwagana. 1011.
49.097. Cochylimorpha straminea. 936.
49.109. Agapeta hamana. 937.
49.110. Agapeta zoegana. BF. 938.
49.111. Eupocilia angustana. 954.
49.120. Aethes smeathmanniana. 947.
49.121. Aethes tesserana. 939.
49.123. Aethes beatricella. 951.
49.127. Aethes cinicana. BF. 945
49.128. Aethes rubigana. 946.
49.133. Cochylis nana. 968.
49,139. Cochylis atricapitana.
49.144. Eudemis profundana. 1113.
49.148. Apotomis liniana. BF. 1091.
49.150. Apotomis betuletana. 1093.
49.154. Orthotaenia undulana. 1087.
49.156. Hedya nubiferana. Marbled Orchard Tortrix. 1083.
49.157 Hedya pruniana. Plum Tortrix
49.158. Hedya ochroleucana. 1084.
49.195. Bachtra furfurana
49.161. Celypha striana. 1063.
49.164. Celypha cespitana. 1067.
49.166. Celypha lacunana. 1076.
49.180. Piniphila bifasciana. 1079.
49.183. Lobesia abscisana. 1108.
49.184. Lobesia reliquana.
49.186. Endothenia gentianaeana. 1097.
49.191. Endothenia nigricostana. 1102.
49.194. Bactra lancealana. 1111.
49.200. Enarmonia formosana. 1216.
49.214. Ancylis badiana. 1126.
49.215. Ancylis achatana. 1115.
49.224. Spilonota ocellana. 1205.
49.225. Spilonota laricana. 1205a.
49.234. Epinotia abbreviana. BF. 1150. Brown Elm Bell
49.240. Epinotia immundana.
49.243. Epinotia demarniana. 1135.
49.244. Epinotia subocellan
49.248. Epinotia tenerana. 1139.
49.249. Epinotia ramella. 1134.
49.254. Epinotia bilunana. 1133.
49.225. Spionota laricana.
49.255. Epinotia nisella. 1138.
49.256. Epinotia cinereana. 1138a.
49.260. Zeriaphera isertana. (BF. 1165)
49.264. Eucosma obumbratana. 1202.
49.265. Eucosma cana. 1201.
49.266. Eucosma hohenwartiana. 1200.
49.267. Eucosma fulvana. (BF. 1200b)
49.269. Eucosma campoliliana. 1197.
49.279. Gypsonoma dealbana. 1169.
49.281. Gypsonoma sociana. 1168.
49.285. Epiblema scutulana
49.286. Epiblema cirsiana. 1184a.
49.288 Epiblema foenella
49.289. Epiblema constipunctana. 1187.
49.292. Notocelia cynosbatella. 1174.
49.294. Notocelia uddmanniana. 1175.
49.295. Notocelia roborana. (BF. 1178)
49.298. Notocelia trimaculana. 1176.
49.306. Rhyacionia pinicolana. BF. 1211.
49.037. Ryacionia pinivorana. Spotted Shoot Moth
49.313. Dichrorampha acuminatana. 1279.
49.321. Dichrorampha petiverella. 1273.
49.323. Dichrorampha montanana. 1283.
49.325. Cydia ulicetana. 1255.
49.338. Cydia pomonella. 1261.
49.341. Cydia splendana. 1260.
49.345. Lathronympha strigana. (BF. 1219)
49.351. Grapholita lunulana. BF1252.
49.357. Grapholita funebrana. (BF. 1247)
49.359. Grapholita janthinana. 1245.
49.367. Pamena fasciana. (BF. 1236)
49.379. Pammene aurana. 1272.
50.002. Zeuzera pyrina. BF. 161. Leopard Moth.
52.014. Six-belted Clearwing
54.008. Zygaena filipendulae. Six-spot Burnet. 169.
54.009. Zygaena lonicerae latomarginata. (171. Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet)
62.001. Aphomia sociella. (BF. 1428. Bee Moth)
62.005. Achroia grisella. (BF. 1426. Lesser Wax Moth)
62.006. Galleria mellonella. 1425.
62.023. Pempelia palumbella. 1442.
62.024. Rhodophaea formosa. 1445.
62.029. Phycita roborella. 1452.
62.035. Acrobasis advenella. 1439.
62.038. Acrobasis consociella. 1437.
62.039. Apomyelois bistriatella
62.042. Myelois circumvoluta. 1458.
62.048. Euzophera pinguis. 1470.
62.054. Homoeosoma sinuella. (BF. 1481)
62.058. Phycitodes binaevella. 1483
62.072. Pyralis farinalis. 1417.
62.075. Hypsopygia costalis. 1413. Gold Triangle.
62.076. Hypsopygia glaucinalis. 1415.
62.077. endotricha flammealis. 1424.
63.005. Pyrausta despicata. (BF. 1365)
63.006. Pyrausta aurata. 1361.
63.007. Pyrausta purpuralis. BF. 1362.
63.013. Nascia cilialis. (BF. 1387)
63.018. Anania coronata. 1378.
63.020. Anania Perlucidalis . 1380.
63.034. Udea prunalis. 1390.
63.025. Anania hortulata. 1376.
63.031. Udea ferrugalis. (BF. 1359. Rusty-dot Pearl)
63.033. Udea lutealis. 1388.
63.037. Udea olivalis. 1392.
63.038. Pleuroptya ruralis. 1405. Mother of Pearl.
63.048. Palpita vitrealis. (BF. 408)
63.052. Nomophila noctuella. 1398. Rush veneer.
63.057. Evergestis forficalis. 1356.
63.060. Evergestis pallidata. 1358.
63.062. Scoparia subfusca. 1332.
63.063. Scoparia basistrigalis. (BF. 1334a)
63.064. Scoparia ambigualis. 1334.
63.065. Scoparia ancipitella. 1335.
63.066. Scoparia pyralella. 1333.
63.067. Eudonia lacustrata. 1338.
63.072. Eudonia delunella
63.069. Eudonia angustea. 1342.
63.073. Eudonia truncicolella. (BF. 1340)
63.074. Eudonia mercurella. 1344.
63.075. Eudonia pallida. 1336.
63.077. Chilo phragmitella. 1290.
63.079. Calamotropha paludella. 1292.
63.080. Chrysoteuchia culmella. 1293.
63.081. Crambus Pascuella. 1294.
63.083. Crambus uliginosellus. 1297.
63.086. Crambus lathoniellis. 1301.
63.088. Crambus perlella.
63.089. Agriphila tristella. 1305.
63.092. Agriphila selasella. 1303.
63.093. Agriphila straminella. 1304.
63.095. Agriphila geniculea. BF. 1309.
63.090. Agriphila inquinatella
63.099. Catoptria pinella. BF. 1313.
63.100. Catoptria margaritella. BF. 1314 Pearl-band Grass Veneer.
63.102. Catoptria falsella. 1316.
63.114. Elophila nymphaeata. 1345.
63.115. Acentria ephemerella. 1331.
63.116. Cataclysta lemnata. 1354.
63.117. Parapoynx stratiotata. 1348.
63.118. Nymphula nitidulata. 1350.
63.121. Donacaula forficella. 1329.
65.001. Falcaria lacertinaria. (1645. Scalloped Hook-tip)
65.002. Oak Hook-tip
65.003. Barred Hook-tip
65.005. Drepana falcataria. (1649. Pebble Hook-tip)
65.007. Cilix glaucata. (1651. Chinese Character)
65.008. Thyatira batis. (1652. Peach Blossom)
65.009. Habrosyne pyritoides. (1653. Buff Arches)
65.010. Tethea ocularis. (1654. Figure of Eighty)
65.013. Ochropacha duplaris. (1657. Common lutestring)
65.016. Achlya flavicornis. (Yellow Horned)
66.001. Poecilocampa populi. (1631. December Moth)
66.002. Trichiura crataegi. (1632. Pale Eggar)
66.003. Lackey. Malacosoma neustria.
66.007. Oak Egger
66.008. Fox Moth. BF. 1638. Macrothylacia rubi.
66.010. Euthrix potatoria. (1640. Drinker)
68.001. Saturnea pavonia. (1643. Emperor)
69.001. Mimas tiliae. (1979. Lime Hawk-moth)
69.002. Smerinthus ocellata. (1980. Eyed Hawk-moth)
69.003. Laothoe populi. (1981. Poplar Hawk-moth)
69.004. Agrius convolvuli. (1972. Convolvulus Hawk-moth)
69.006. Sphinx ligustri. 1976. Privit Hawk-moth.
69.007. Sphinx pinastri. (1978. Pine Hawk-moth)
69.010. Macroglossum stellatarum. (1984. Hummingbird Hawk-moth)
69.016. Deilephila elpenor. (1991. Elephant Hawk-moth)
70.004. Idaea rusticata. Least Carpet)
70.008. Idaea seriata. (BF. 1707. Small Dusty Wave)
70.011. Idaea dimidiata. (1708. Single-dotted Wave)
70.013. Idaea biselata. (1702. Small Fan-footed Wave)
70.016. Idaea aversata. (1713. Riband Wave)
70.018. Idaea straminata. (1715. Plain Wave)
70.024. Scopula imitaria. (1690. Small Blood-vein)
70.026. Scopula ternata. BF. 1694. Smoky Wave.
70.029. Timandra comae. (1682. Blood-vein)
70.032. Cyclophora albipunctata. (BF. 1677. Birch Mocha)
70.036. Cyclophora punctaria. (1680. Maiden's Blush)
70.038. Rhodometra sacrania. Vestal.
70.045. Scotopteryx chenopodiata. (1732. Shaded Broad-bar)
70.046. Orthonama vittata. (1719. Oblique Carpet)
70.047. Nycterosea obstipata. (BF. 1720. Gem)
70.049. Xanthorhoe fluctuata. (1728. Garden Carpet)
70.051. Xanthorhoe spadicearia. (1724. Red Twin-spot Carpet)
70.052. Xanthorhoe ferrugata. (1725. Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet)
70.053. Xanthorhoe designata. (1722. Flame Carpet)
70.054. Xanthorhoe montanata. (1727. Silver-ground Carpet)
70.055. Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata. (1726. Large Twin-spot Carpet)
70.059. Camptogramma bilineata. (1742. Yellow Shell)
70.061. Epirrhoe alternata. (1738. Common Carpet)
70.066. Anticlea badiata. (1746. Shoulder Stripe)
70.067. Anticlea derivata. (1747. Streamer)
70.069. Pelurga comitata. (1749. Dark Spinach)
70.074. Hydriomena furcata. (1777. July Highflyer)
70.075. Hydriomena impluviata. (1778. May Highflyer)
70.079. Thera britannica. (1769. Spruce Carpet)
70.081. Thera obeliscata. (1768. Grey Pine Carpet)
70.082. Thera juniperata. (1771. Juniper Carpet)
70.084. Blue Bordered Carpet
70.085. Cidaria fulvata. (1765. Barred Yellow)
70.087. Cosmorhoe ocellata. (1752. Purple Bar)
70.089. Eulithis prunata. (1754. Phoenix)
70.090. Eulithis testata. (1755. Chevron)
70.091. Northern Spinach Eulithis populata.
70.093. Gandaritis pyraliata. (1758. Barred Straw)
70.094. Ecliptopera silaceata. (1758. Small Phoenix)
70.095. Chloroclysta siterata. (1760. Red-green Carpet)
70.096. Chloroclysta miata. (BF. 1761. Autumn Green Carpet)
70.097. Dysstroma truncata. (1764. Common Marbled Carpet)
70.100. Colostygia pectinataria. (1776. Green Carpet)
70.101. Colostygia multistrigaria. 1775. Mottled Grey.
70.103. Lampropteryx suffumata. (1750. Water Carpet)
70.106. Operophtera brumata. (1799. Winter Moth)
70.107. Epirrita dilutata. (1795. November Moth Agg)
70.108. Pale November Moth
70.109. Epirrita autumnata. (1797. Autumnal Moth)
70.112. Euchoeca nebulata. (BF. 1874. Dingy Shell)
70.114. Hydrelia flammeolaria. (1876. Small Yellow Wave)
70.119. Philereme transversata. (BF. 1792. Dark Umber)
70.123. Tissue
70.130. Odezia atrata. (1870. Chimney Sweeper)
70.131. Mesotype didymata. (1809. Twin-spot Carpet)
70.132. Perizoma affinitata. (1802. Rivulet)
70.133. Perizoma alchemillata. (1803. Small Rivulet
70.138. Perizoma flavofasciata. (1808. Sandy Carpet)
70.141. Gymnoscelis rufifasciata. (1862. Double-striped Pug)
70.142. Chloroclystis v-ata. (1858. V-Pug)
70.144. Pasiphila rectangulata. (1860. Green Pug)
70.147. Slender Pug. Eupithecia tenuiata
70.151. Eupithecia pulchellata. (1817. Foxglove Pug)
70.156. Eupithecia abbreviata. (1852. Brindled Pug)
70.157. Eupithecia dodoneata. (BF. 1853. Oak Tree Pug)
70.158. Eupithecia pusillata. (BF. 1854. Juniper Pug)
70.160. Eupithecia tripunctaria. (1835. White-spotted Pug)
70.161 Golden-rod Pug
70.163. Larch Pug.
70.166. Eupithecia simpliciata. BF. 1842. Plain Pug.
70.168. Eupithecia nanata. (1846. Narrow-winged Pug)
70.173. Eupithecia centoureata. (1825. Lime-speck Pug)
70.176. Eupithecia intricata. (1827. Freyer's Pug)
70.179. Eupithecia absintheata. (1830. Wormwood Pug)
70.180. Eupithecia expallidata. Bleached Pug
70.182. Eupithecia assimilata. (1832. Currant Pug)
70.183. Eupithecia vulgata. (1834. Common Pug)
70.184. Eupithecia exiguata. (1819. Mottled Pug)
70.186. Yarrow Pug.
70.187. Eupithecia icterata. (1838. Tawny-speckled Pug)
70.190. Eupithecia subfuscata. (1837. Grey Pug)
70.191 Eupithecia subfuscata. Grey Pug.
70.192. Aplocera plagiata. (1867. Treble-bar)
70.193. Aplocera efformata. (1868. Lesser Treble-bar)
70.200. Acasis viretata. (1883. Yellow-barred Brindle)
70.202. Trichopteryx carpinata. (1881. Early Tooth-striped)
70.205. Abraxas grossulariata. (1884. Magpie Moth)
70.207. Lomaspilis marginata. (1887. Clouded Border)
70.208. Ligdea adustata. BF. 1888. Scorched Carpet.
70.211. Macaria notata. Peacock
70.214. Macaria literata. (Tawny-barred Angle)
70.218. Chiasmia clathrata. (1894. Latticed Heath)
70.222. Petrophora chlorosata. (1902. Brown Silver-line)
70.224. Plagodis dolabraria. (1904. Scorched Wing)
70.226. Opisthograptis luteolata. (1906. Brimstone Moth)
70.233. Ennomus quercinaria. (1912. August Thorn)
70.234. Ennomus alniaria. (1913. Canary-shouldered Thorn)
70.235. Ennomos fuscanteria. (1914. Dusky Thorn)
70.237. Selenia dentaria. (1917. Early Thorn)
70.239. Selenia tetralunaria. (1919. Purple Thorn)
70.240. Odontopera bidentata. (1920. Scalloped Hazel)
70.241. Crocallis elinguaria. (1921. Scalloped Oak)
70.243. Ourapteryx sambucaria. (1922. Swallow-tailed Moth)
70.244. Feathered Thorn. BF. Colotois pennaria.
70.245. Alsophila aescularia. (1663. March Moth)
70.247. Phigalia pilosaria. (1926. Pale Brindled Beauty)
70.251. Biston strataria. (1930. Oak Beauty)
70.252. Biston betularia. (1931. Peppered Moth)
70.253. Agriopis leucophaearia. (1932. Spring Usher)
70.254. Agriopis aurantiaria. (1933. Scarce Umber)
70.255. Agriopis marginaria. (1934. Dotted Border)
70.256. Erannis defoliaria. (1935. Mottled Umber)
70.257. Menophra abruptaria. (1936. Waved Umber)
70.258. Peribatodes rhomboidaria. (1937. Willow Beauty)
70.265. Alcis repandata. (1941. Mottled Beauty)
70.270. Ectropis crepuscularia. (1947. Engrailed)
70.275. Ematurga atomaria. (1952. Common Heath)
70.276. Bupalus piniaria. (1954. Bordered White)
70.277. Cabera pusaria. (1955. Common White Wave)
70.278. Cabera exanthemata. (1956. Common Wave)
70.279. Lomographa bimaculata. (1957. White-pinion Spotted)
70.280. Lomographa temerata. (1958. Clouded Silver)
70.282. Theria primaria. (1960. Early Moth)
70.283. Campaea margaritata. (1961. Light Emerald)
70.284. Hylaea fasciaria. (1962. Barred Red)
70.295. Perconia strigillaria. (1970. Grass Wave)
70.299. Geometra papilionaria. (1666. Large Emerald)
70.300. Comibaena bajularia. (1667. Blotched Emerald)
70.305. Hemithea aestivaria. (1669. Common Emerald)
71.003. Cerura vinula. (1995. Puss Moth)
71.005. Furcula furcula. (1997. Sallow Kitten)
71.012. Notodonta dromedarius. (2000. Iron Prominent)
71.013. Notodonta ziczac. (2003. Pebble Prominent)
71.017. Pheosia tremula. (2007. Swallow Prominent)
71.018. Pheosia gnoma. (2006. Lesser Swallow Prominent)
71.020. Pterostoma palpina. (2011. Pale Prominent)
71.021. Ptilodon capucina. (2008. Coxcomb Prominent)
Rhadinoceraea micans. (Iris Sawfly)
71.025. Phalera bucephala. (1994. Buff-tip)
71.027. Chocklate-tip
72.001. Scoliopteryx libatrix. (2469. Herald)
72.002. Rivula sericealis. (2474. Straw Dot)
72.003. Hypena proboscidalis. (2477. Snout)