Backside Five: A few of the items for the GCWA round up raffle tomorrow. Who's in? #stoked #raffle #5panel #floral #hatporn #tanked #gettanked #getnaked #gcwa #roundup #wakesurf #wakeboard #wakelife
Backside Five: Love long weekends! #nautique #wakesurf #ladies #wakelife #surflife #snapbacks #hatporn #doingit #whatthefunn #mostfunwins #b5ww
Backside Five: Hello long weekend! They're pointing at us.... It's time! #itstime #fiveatatime #5sum #shots #bros #longweekend #partytime #lovelife #gotime #rudetopoint #not #mostfunwins
Backside Five: Just in from Chicama surf resort in Peru. Team shredder @mikeradnothy ripping lefts for days. #leftsfordays #longestleft #surf #surfing #surfperu #travel #b5ww #moretocome #peru #beachfordays
Backside Five: Our first ever #wcw is one of our fav models, homies and a true all around Rockstar! @misspee_92 ... Happy humpday! #sexy #model #homies #grindharder
Backside Five: Drive like it's stolen and live everyday like it's your last! Cruising Canada... Should be a video game. #toronto #muskoka #likeaboss #goodtimes #bros #brotime #b5ww #droptop #gardiner #wideopen #dustem #travel #lovelife #lovethehomies #mostfunwins #hump
Backside Five: Till next year cottagelife! #nofilter #goodtimes #bros #homies #shready #shredon #ontario #canada #cottagelife #wakelife #wakeskate #b5ww #werideforbrad #irideforbrad
Backside Five: We love our Chickie shredders! #wakeboarding #chickies #nicebum #shredon #wakelife #cottagelife #livetoshred #b5ww #backside #bumbum
Backside Five: True happiness can't be bought. #lovelife #lovethehomies #cottagelife #wakelife #bros #homies #friendship #ontario #b5ww #doingit #mostfunwins
Backside Five: Team purp, let's go! Hello weekend. #purple #purp #tgif #flipcup #cottagelife #wakelife #partytime #dranks #homies #beers #beernard #b5ww
Backside Five: Till next year #wakestock #goodtimes #wakelife #cottagelife #wakeboard #wakeskate #wakesurf #bala #muskoka #ontario #doingit #b5ww #beers #cheers #mostfunwins
Backside Five: We would rather be crushing beers at Wakestock still. #wakestock #wakelife #cottagelife #wakeboarding #wakeskate #bala #muskoka #ontario #b5ww #beers #coors #goodtimes
Backside Five: Good morning Tuesday! #shredy #shredon #cottagelife #wakelife #wakeboard #wakeskate #butter #budda #glass #gotime #homies #b5ww #livetoshred
Backside Five: Still rocking the bracelet. Sick weekend at wakestock! #wakstock2014 #wakestock #wicked #wakeboard #wakeskate #skateboard #b5ww #bala #ontario #moretocome
Backside Five: Where is all started. Back to the roots #boilerbeach #kincardine #roots #highroller #80's #family #homies #lakelife #lakehuron #beach #glass #butter #b5ww #skate #skateboard #canada
Backside Five: Ohhhhh what's up box head?! #kings #drinkinggames #catnap #boozing #boxhead #cottagelife #b5ww #roadtrip #vaca #wakelife #lakelife #cottage #bros #dranks #ontario #canada #killinit
Backside Five: Next stop Wakestock... Who's going? #wakestock2014 #muskoka #ghostfacekillah #wakeboarding #wakeskate #shredon #partytime #bros #wakestock #b5ww #bala
Backside Five: Good morning water tramp! #chillin #cottagelife #lovewater #lakelife #watertramp #dranks #thirstythursday #b5ww #homies
Backside Five: Cheers to the homies, oh and hump day! #shots #bros #goose #cottagelife #humpday #vaca #shredon #goodtimes #ontario #canada #cottage #partytime #apresshred #wakelife #wakeboarding #wakeskate
Backside Five: #livetoshred #werideforbrad #wakelife #wakeskate #sunset #shredon #irideforbrad #cottagelife #ontario #canada #b5ww #bros #pregame #vaca #lovelife #lovethehomies
Backside Five: Evening shred.... Check. #bros #homies #beers #shredon #wakeboarding #ontario #canada #beernard #wakelife #cottagelife #apsley #b5ww
Backside Five: You know it's going to be a great day when you're the last one in line to get McD's breakfast. #airport #breakfast #passport #passportink #travel #lovelife #lovethehomies #international #vacation #summertime #cottage #apsley #herewecome #canada
Backside Five: And we couldn't leave out one of our favorite models! @kaymartia looking bright and oh so tight! ;) #ytworld #tightandbright #tight #bright #goodtimes oh hey @bcgraham looking good too homie! #justblaze #freshthreads #rockout #shredon
Backside Five: Thanks for the kick ass weekend you sexy bitches! @jasonwhitey @leahwhitey #greatbackside #yt #ytworld #tightandbright #bash #goodtimes #shredding #homies #partytime #excellent
Backside Five: Shredy Saturday! #teamshredder @mikeradnothy getting nasty! #teamrider #surfing #surfsup #fl #killinit #livetoshred #smilesformiles
Backside Five: Shredding hat. #hatporn #snowboard #tgif #whatthefunn #floral #hatgame #floralfordays #livetoshred #orange #onlinesoon #pimp #deep #snapback
Backside Five: Sometimes the tables turn. The shooter has been shot... Rough life @toptierimaging great form @misspee_92 #photoshoot #film #polaroid #shakeit #model #blonde #work #freshthreads #beautiful #tank #shooter
Backside Five: Goodmorning fresh lid! Online soon... #floral #snapback #hatporn #summercollection #green #madeinusa #localbrand #riderowned #granite
Backside Five: Who remembers this night? Live like a captain. #livelikeacaptain #livetoshred #nationals #wakeboarding #wakelife #brotime #goodtimes #lcwt #summertime #rum #dranks #b5ww
Backside Five: Another tough week in the office wrapped~ @toptierimaging taking it back old school! New tank... Check. #photoshoot #film #closeup #shakeit #boom #tgif @misspee_92 always lookin good