*ALLA*: emerald feathers under the bright sun
*ALLA*: ***
*ALLA*: cable car to Cheget mountain
koen_jacobs: Together alone
koen_jacobs: At the courthouse
koen_jacobs: Silhouettes
michaelstafford5: 2018-08-15_10-03-09
michaelstafford5: 2018-10-20_08-39-05
koen_jacobs: B / W
michaelstafford5: Bird Porn!
aesrth: Sky
awa54: curves and shadows
awa54: two subspecies of Canis Insubstantialis
awa54: P1040599
michaelstafford5: DSCN6011-01
Gabriel FW Koch: Stemware
Gabriel FW Koch: Scooter Loving His Bird Video
Gabriel FW Koch: He Brings a Snack
koen_jacobs: Parkbrug
koen_jacobs: The Underpass
koen_jacobs: Mary Poppins...
koen_jacobs: Close encounter of the ghost kind
michaelstafford5: DSCN7445-01
Toni MG: Rosa de otoño.
Toni MG: LLueve en Barcelona, rain in Barcelona.
Gabriel FW Koch: Gull Adjusting
Charles Patrick Ewing: Sunset Explosion
Charles Patrick Ewing: Gulf of Mexico Rainbow Sunset