heart of charnwood: Block 2 for @the_littlest_thistle #stitchtease
heart of charnwood: Block 1 for @the_littlest_thistle #stitchtease
heart of charnwood: Sampler quilt all finished, first one off the FAL this quarter, 2 and a half years after i started it!!!
heart of charnwood: I got a little distracted by fabric whilst taking my machine in for a service, whoops!
heart of charnwood: First trip to the beach. West Wittering, West Sussex #blowingagale #hidinginthesunshade
heart of charnwood: I spy a rarely spotted Hadley! @mrsflyingblind :-)
heart of charnwood: Ooh look what arrived, but i have a kids party to go to, damn! #icouldhideinthetoilettoreadnoonewouldknow @imagingermonkey
heart of charnwood: Delish, thx @simplysolids
heart of charnwood: She's together, had to do a little adjustment to square things up but i still love her! #notperfectbutstillmybaby Thx Janice @betteroffthread for an amazing pattern x
heart of charnwood: Getting there, just one last set of inner points to do tomorrow then trimming and sewing tomorrow. I like it.
heart of charnwood: Finally back to this pattern...
heart of charnwood: Hexy Pushchair pouch.
heart of charnwood: Channeling @lusummers today and trying to finish up this wip from last years FOR. Im liking the addition of black perle. :-)
heart of charnwood: My beautiful girls
heart of charnwood: All done @trina_peterson #stitchtease
heart of charnwood: @trina_peterson getting there, will sew it together tomorrow once im more awake #stitchtease
heart of charnwood: Just need to stitch it together, think I'll wait until tomorrow night when im more awake! @trina_peterson #stitchtease
heart of charnwood: @trina_peterson #stitchtease first block :-)
heart of charnwood: @trina_peterson hi, I've pulled these fabrics for your blocks, do they look ok generally? Just concerned i don't have much mustard, these are more oranges and yellows. Any that stand out? And it's a grey right? #stitchtease
heart of charnwood: Thought id polish off the rest of this. Thx @duckeggthreads for my party rescue remedy; along with the wine it really numbed the edges yesterday xxx
heart of charnwood: Oh Mr Wine, I've so earned you today #kidspartyfor40peopleintherainathome
heart of charnwood: Im getting extra mummy points for making party bags right?!?!
heart of charnwood: 20 bag fronts cut out for Saturdays birthday party #fabfabric #whatwasithinking
heart of charnwood: Whoops, that drive by at the fabric shop resulted in a little stash building. But i need some more navy fabrics right?!?!
heart of charnwood: @cindylou327 all done except need to add my name and country, will do tomorrow. #stitchtease
heart of charnwood: 6 inch block for barn finished, now if baby would only sleep this can be done tonight for @cindylou327 #stitchtease
heart of charnwood: Im thinking after a good press and block trim it won't look half so bad. @betteroffthread #thosecentrepiecesareabugger !
heart of charnwood: It's a teddy bears picnic kind of day!
heart of charnwood: A little bit of progress on my NY Circle of Flying Geese. #firsttimeatmysewingmachineinaweek :-(
heart of charnwood: It's taken me a week to get back to this but i think i like where it's going @betteroffthread pattern :-)