inuit Bookshop: Ultimi posti per il workshop di illustrazione e serigrafia nella giungla con Elisa Talentino del 30 settembre - 1 ottobre. Per info:
inuit Bookshop: @inuitbookshop at @elcafest again!⠀ If you're in London visit the great Riso exhibition at @foylesforbooks and then come to Round Chapel to see the festival ;)
inuit Bookshop: Osservare e mettere su carta. ⠀ Il primo step del workshop 'Lo sguardo selvatico'.
inuit Bookshop: @elisa_talentino is an Illustrator who works and lives in Bologna. Her work is going to be part of the exhibition 'The Rise of the Riso Private View' at @foylesforbooks in London for the @elcafest
inuit Bookshop: Testing with Caterina Fludd
inuit Bookshop: Studio Fludd is a collective based in Venezia who works with Design and Illustration. Their works will be exposed tomorrow in @foylesforbooks as part of the exhibition 'The Rise of Riso' for the @elcafest 2017
inuit Bookshop: Come si può addomiesticare uno sguardo? ⠀ Venite a scoprirlo nella cornice dell'Orto Botanico di Bologna, sabato 10 e domenica 11 giugno con il Workshop 'Lo sguardo Selvatico' a cura di Inuit e Studio Fludd.
inuit Bookshop: While we're getting ready for the artistic residency with Studio Fludd at the Botanic Garden of Bologna, we're proud to announce that some of our artists will be exposed at the Foyles bookshop in London as part of the Elcaf Festival.
inuit Bookshop: Sabato 10 e Domenica 11 giugno Studio Fludd sarà all'Orto Botanico di Bologna con il Workshop 'Lo Sguardo Selvatico'.⠀ Se volete sperimentare la stampa Risograph e l'illustrazione vegetale potete prenotare un posto scrivendo a:⠀
inuit Bookshop: Tra pochi giorni Studio Fludd sarà a Bologna per una residenza artistica. ⠀ Se avete voglia di mescolare illustrazione botanica e Risograph potete partecipare al loro workshop il 10 e 11 giugno.⠀ ⠀ Per info scrivete a:
inuit Bookshop: Il 10 e 11 giugno imperdibile workshop di stampa Riograph all'Orto Botanico di Bologna. Più info su:⠀
inuit Bookshop: Studio Fludd sta arrivando a Bologna, avete già prenotato un posto per il workshop lo Sguardo Selvatico?⠀ ⠀ Per info scrivete a
inuit Bookshop: Breve ma intensa! Nel caso vi foste persi la bella inaugurazione dell'altra sera da @studio.pilar, o vogliate rivedere con più calma la mostra sui sei anni della nostra avventura editoriale, fate ancora in tempo fino a stasera alle 18.30 in via Panfilo Ca
inuit Bookshop: Rome wasn't built in a day. E nemmeno Inuit! Venite a scoprire una selezione di edizioni da questi nostri intensi e meravigliosi primi sei anni! L'inaugurazione sarà questa sera alle ore 20 presso @studio.pilar in via Panfilo Castaldi 16 a Roma, ma rimarr
inuit Bookshop: Think Less, Print More! ⠀ il 26 maggio alle 20.00 inaugura durante l'@arfestival una mostra dedicata ai 6 anni di stampa di @inuitbookshop ⠀ Qui l'evento:⠀
inuit Bookshop: Another incredibly inspiring
inuit Bookshop: RROARR! Hurry up before our Riso-exhibition will be engulfed in the jungle! #inuitbookshop #inuiteditions #bologna #thewildgarden #risoprint #risoprint #bolognachildrensbookfair #illustration
inuit Bookshop: If yesterday our secret garden at Inuit Studio opening hasn't been wild enough, come to see how 8 incredibly talented illustrators have interpreted 'The Wild Garden' in our brand new Riso-exhibition. Today at 8 p.m. Inuit Bookshop, via Petroni 19. #thewil
inuit Bookshop: Thank you all for having fulfilled our print studio with your enthusiasm! #inuitbookshop #inuiteditions #bologna #bolognachildrensbookfair #printstudio #risograph #risoprint #exhibition #screenprinting #openingshow
inuit Bookshop: We are very excited to remind you that this evening at 8 p.m. InuitSTUDIO finally will be revealed! Come to 'Explore the Igloo' at vicolo Vinazzetti 4a to see how our dreams come true! And tomorrow don't miss 'The Wild Garden', the new selection of Riso-p
inuit Bookshop: Watch out! The 54th edition of @bolognachildrensbookfair has started! This year's official illustrations are by our talented friend @daniele.castellano, who's been selected together with other 7 magnificent artists for our Riso-exhibition 'The Wild Garden
inuit Bookshop: We are almost ready for our two unmissable events of the next week! Tuesday 4th April: 'Exploring the Igloo', our Bologna printshop grand opening Wednesday 5th April: 'The Wild Garden', the 4th annual collective Riso-exhibition, including works by 8 talen
inuit Bookshop: exhibition at @slowgalerie ⠀ ⠀ #risograph #slowgalerie #paris #illustration #mandragora
inuit Bookshop: Mandragore exhibition at @slowgalerie : limited edition #risograph prints by @ilpistrice
inuit Bookshop: We are officially open! During Bilbolbul festival, from now until Sunday evening come to visit our independent bookshop in the magnificent SalaBorsa covered square. Our brand new limited editions, as well as our international selection, definitely worth t
inuit Bookshop: Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. And in this case is golden. Our tiredness is rivalled only by our enthusiasm! We'll launch it today at @senape_vivaio_urbano during the opening of @nonnapank solo exhibition, from 7 p.m. #inuitbookshop #inuited
inuit Bookshop: Medieval herbals, Moebius, The Invisible Cities by Calvino, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Voynich Manuscript, Greek (and Etruscan) Gorgons, Minas Tirith, the Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Temple of Flora by Thornton, Maria Sibylla
inuit Bookshop: Another Tuscan sun sets on a busy Saturday with its bunch of fresh ideas, works in progress, litres of ink, tons of paper and exciting news waiting for us on our return to Bologna. Moreover, we could now actually PRINT this sunset. Now we have fluo orange
inuit Bookshop: The rain has stopped but not the @elcafest! #inuiteditions #inuitbookshop #elcaf #elcafest #eastlondon #londonlife #illustration #comics #publishing
inuit Bookshop: Last day and last copies! We wait for you all at @elcafest till 7 pm! #inuitbookshop #inuiteditions #elcaf #elcafest #illustration #comics #publishing #risograph #screenprint #londonlife