Xuberant Noodle: UK's Famous Robin
Full Moon Images: Kestrel (image 1 of 3)
Full Moon Images: Short-eared Owl (image 1 of 4)
Full Moon Images: Short-eared Owl (image 1 of 3)
Matteo Baiguini: Martino nella nebbia 2
Nitin's Photography: Sitting tall..
altan o: almost Summer, 2013
bechtelsf: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (2015-07-27: 2277)
bechtelsf: Hummingbird Silhouette (2015-07-28: 2394)
Full Moon Images: Common Tern
gilgit2: Great Rosefinch (Carpodacus rubicilla)
matthewjonesphotography.com: Barking Owl (Ninox connivens)
bechtelsf: Miners Beach Falls (a.k.a. Potato Patch Falls) (2015-07-12: 8304)
matthewjonesphotography.com: Lesser Sooty Owl (Tyto t. multipunctata)
MarkJS76: Peregrine Falcon
Chris.Kookaburra: Sacred Kingfisher
matthewjonesphotography.com: Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
matthewjonesphotography.com: Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
MarkJS76: Hobby
Chris.Kookaburra: Sacred Kingfisher
Chris.Kookaburra: Sacred Kingfisher
Chris.Kookaburra: Sacred Kingfisher
feathers46: Lake Joondalup 15-6-2015 068a
M Hooper: Darter
bechtelsf: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (2015-07-03: 7433)
DrRachie: Calliope Hummingbird
bechtelsf: Male Calliope Hummingbird (2015-05-17: 2831)
Chris.Kookaburra: Mistletoebird (Male)
gilgit2: Citrine Wagtail (Motacilla citreola)