gam sibb: Best Tyre Swing Vancouver
gam sibb: Self Timer BW
gam sibb: Self Timer
gam sibb: West Vancouver, Stanley Park and Downtown, from Grouse mtn
gam sibb: Monument to forest workers: Tree Planter
gam sibb: View from the saddle between Fromme and Grouse
gam sibb: makin'
gam sibb: Frettin'
gam sibb: Ominous Coastal Frisbee
gam sibb: DSCF4667
gam sibb: Honrary Weegies club
gam sibb: Ruffians
gam sibb: Makin' Stuff
gam sibb: makin' stuff for to make stuff
gam sibb: Rusl picks up his banjo!
gam sibb: 5 strings!
gam sibb: Banjo no.3
gam sibb: anne fig foraging
gam sibb: Teeng Tiny Spoon
gam sibb: Harsh Skies for Open Climbing
gam sibb: What do you do when you encounter a built but unconnected power pylon?
gam sibb: Atop A Pylon
gam sibb: DSCF4406
gam sibb: Feet Get Wet.
gam sibb: Shoes Were Already Wet.
gam sibb: Dropping In!
gam sibb: Agua Caliente! Kinda.
gam sibb: Postride swimming, the best kind of swimming
gam sibb: The world is drowning.
gam sibb: Neil at Rice Lake