Elisabeth patchwork: Linz Stadion
patrick.bittermann: Neue Eisenbahnbrücke
andy.lookatthis: It's best with mommy
andy.lookatthis: Bumblebee
georgiealexon: Okay, everyone look a different direction
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Pleurothallis silverstonei in situ, one of the endemic miniature orchids I showed to American tourists on a 16 days orchids and bromeliads tour I guided with Plant Expeditions and Tolima BioDiversa Expediciones. Risaralda department.
crawforddav: Goldeneye in a flap
st_portrait: DSCF7611
sePtem sensu: Chloe im Dokumentationszentrum Nürnberg
desomnis: Wired
Paul Brouns: Flight of Imagination
Scotti van Palm: Bad Muskau
Elisabeth patchwork: Weiß jemand, welcher Pilz das ist?
Macks Photography - David Mackey: Red Squirrel - Sciurus vulgaris
nrssmith: 12863 Raiding the Feeder
Vladimir Vulf: DSC03101
tsimgar: Squirrel
Lakes4life: Luminosity Oct 2023
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
I follow birds: SNOWY EGRET
Johann 50: IMG_6492
Scone Face: Green eye, green world. Shag sat on the base of the Bishop's Rock Lighthouse.
Rémi Marchand: L'ocre de Roussillon
Menu Bob: Three Birds In One Shot
wolfgang.bottesch: A Meeting in a Cloud