Likemore: 2016NYCC8
ForeverLawless: IMG_3836
Lenbox: Xena Cosplay from #Connichi2015 ( Kassel / Germany)
Trinity All-Stars: Loki, Misty Knight & Coleen Wing Cosplay with Xena
jazzwolf2002: DragonCon 2015 133
jazzwolf2002: DragonCon 2015 132
Trinity All-Stars: Agents of Cosplay group
Trinity All-Stars: Deadpool & Hit-Girl Cosplay Xena
Trinity All-Stars: Deadpool & Scarlet Witch Cosplay with Xena
flexgraph: Xena Cosplay @ Japan Expo 2015 - 16e Impact
MorpheusBlade: Captain America The Winter Soldier
foodbyfax: Chilly Open 2015 051
foodbyfax: Chilly Open 2015 052
foodbyfax: Chilly Open 2015 049
foodbyfax: Chilly Open 2015 050
foodbyfax: WaffleCon 2014 026
MorpheusBlade: S.H.I.E.L.D. at Wizard World Philly
sebulia: Will Riker, Ben Sisko and Jean-Luc Picard lookalikes
sebulia: Fans walking around the dealer hall (including a Xena cosplayer); this was back in the days when conventions were far less crowded
slamto: IMG_0010
mayanempress: Lucretia & Xena
manofsteel25: Wonder Woman and Xena
Darc G: NYCC 2014 - Friday