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albums of Jym Mooney
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Arizona 2016
Gadwall X Northern Shoveler hybrid duck, Milwaukee WI 4/28/15
Henslow's Sparrow, Milwaukee WI 4/19/15
Western Sandpiper, Milwaukee WI September 2014.
Red Knot, Milwaukee County WI 8/17/14
Little Gull, Sheboygan WI 6/9/14
Four gull species, Milwaukee WI 4/12/14
Cooper's Hawks - Milwaukee WI 4/6/14
Whooper Swan, Waukesha County WI 3/23/14
Kumlien's Iceland Gull, Milwaukee WI 3/1/14
Monk Parakeets
Dark backed gull, Milwaukee WI 11/27/13
Jaegerfest, Sept. 20-22, 2013
Western Sandpiper, Milwaukee WI 9/11/13
Satyr Commas from Washington state
Washington State wildlife photos, July 27-August 4, 2013
Laughing Gull, Sheboygan WI 6/16/13
Dragonflies, Beulah Bog 6/7/13
White Ibis, Kenosha County WI 6/6/13
Little Gull, Sheboygan WI 5/30-6/2/13
Oklahoma nature photos 2013
Tricolored Heron, Two Rivers, WI 5/5/13
Piping Plovers, Racine WI 4/29/13
Lark Sparrow, Racine WI 4/21/13
White-winged Dove, Racine WI 4/20/13
Ruff, Dodge County WI 4/1/13
Presumed Nelson's Gull (HERG X GLGU)
Probable GBBG X GLGU hybrid, Milwaukee WI 2/25/13
Slaty-backed Gull, Milwaukee WI 2/25/13
Probable Nelson's Gull (GLGU X HERG)
Dark-eyed Junco
Probable GBBG X GLGU
Probable GBBG X HERG
Savannah Sparrow
Slaty-backed Gull