Pritammajumderphotography: Purple Sunbird female
Pritammajumderphotography: Purple sunbird hovering
Pritammajumderphotography: Indian Paradise Flycatcher female
Pritammajumderphotography: White Throated Kingfisher
Pritammajumderphotography: Direct confrontation with mangrove crocodile
Pritammajumderphotography: Saltwater Crocodile of Mangrove
Pritammajumderphotography: Ghost of Mangrove
Pritammajumderphotography: Lesser Cormorant with a catch - Purbasthali 2022
Pritammajumderphotography: Lesser Cormorant catches Bull frog - Purbasthali 2022
Pritammajumderphotography: Osprey flying with a fish catch - Purbasthali 2022
Pritammajumderphotography: common Kestrel - Purbasthali 2022
Pritammajumderphotography: Osprey flying with a fish - Purbasthali 2022
Pritammajumderphotography: White throated Kingfisher with a frog catch - Purbasthali 2022
Pritammajumderphotography: Northern Shoveler - Gajoldoba 2023
Pritammajumderphotography: Common Pochard - Gajoldoba 2023
Pritammajumderphotography: Red crested pochard (female) - Gajoldoba 2023
Pritammajumderphotography: Eurasian Wigeon (flying) - Gajoldoba 2023
Pritammajumderphotography: Eurasian Wigeon - - Gajoldoba 2023
Pritammajumderphotography: Eurasian Wigeon (family flying) - Gajoldoba 2023
Pritammajumderphotography: Eurasian Wigeon (family) - Gajoldoba 2023
Pritammajumderphotography: oriental magpie
Pritammajumderphotography: Little Grebe with a fish
Pritammajumderphotography: Little Grebe swimming with a fish catch
Pritammajumderphotography: Black winged Stilt
Pritammajumderphotography: Common Kingfisher
Pritammajumderphotography: Grey-headed Lapwing