fatgirlv2: Santa
fatgirlv2: Baubles
fatgirlv2: red & yellow
fatgirlv2: reflection
fatgirlv2: sunlit trees
fatgirlv2: man on street
fatgirlv2: Classic Morris Minor
fatgirlv2: On balance ....
fatgirlv2: Different circles
fatgirlv2: Reflection of me
fatgirlv2: portrait of a portrait
fatgirlv2: 1st pond lily flower
fatgirlv2: obviously 'Blue Nun'
fatgirlv2: blue bin day
fatgirlv2: Man in Black
fatgirlv2: well and truly broken!
fatgirlv2: storm damage
fatgirlv2: structural curve
fatgirlv2: swirls and curves
fatgirlv2: bit of a drill
fatgirlv2: tick tock
fatgirlv2: Chester Zoo
fatgirlv2: I'm watching you
fatgirlv2: At Chester Zoo today, it really was that cold.
fatgirlv2: In the butterfly house at the zoo, so hot the lens steamed up!
fatgirlv2: Lymm Dam
fatgirlv2: Lymm Dam
fatgirlv2: Duck on the Dam
fatgirlv2: afternoon nap
fatgirlv2: still life with still life