Don Endicott: DSC_5355 COTO colony 98mm ISO 800 f5_6 1 sec cs6 sharp 20 shad 5 cr 72% q11 signed
Don Endicott: DSC_5355 COTO colony 98mm ISO 800 f5_6 1 sec cs6 sharp 20 shad 5 cr 50% q12 signed
Don Endicott: DSC_5374 COTO colony 102mm ISO 1250 f6_3 0_77 sec cs6 sharp 20 shad 5 cr 28% q12 signed
Don Endicott: DSC_5355 COTO colony 98mm ISO 800 f5_6 1 sec cs6 sharp 20 shad 5 cr 25% q12 signed
Don Endicott: DSC_5351 COTO colony 98mm ISO 800 f7_1 2 sec cs6 sharp 40 shad 5 cr 25% q12 signed
Don Endicott: CORTOW_20220723_154415 EMT2 acoustic detection screenshot
Don Endicott: DSC_5481 COTO colony 82mm ISO 2000 f5_6 1 sec cs6 sharp 20 shad 35 cr 50% q12
Don Endicott: DSC_5497 COTO colony 82mm ISO 1600 f5_6 1_3 sec cs6 sharp 20 shade 35 cr 50% q12
Don Endicott: DSC_5504 COTO colony 82mm ISO 1250 f5_6 1_6 sec cs6 sharp 20 shad 35 cr 50% q12
Don Endicott: DSC_5510 COTO colony 82mm ISO 1000 f6_3 2_5 sec cs6 sharp 20 shad 35 cr vert 17% q12
Don Endicott: MAH04747 COTO emergence 20220808 2006 PDT frame grab at 31 seconds cr bw
Don Endicott: MAH04747 COTO emergence 20220808 2006 PDT frame grab at 47 seconds close pass showing ears frame 2 cr bw
Don Endicott: MAH04747 COTO emergence 20220808 2006 PDT frame grab at 108 seconds three bats cr bw
Don Endicott: MAH04747 COTO emergence 20220808 2006 PDT frame grab at 173 seconds cr bw
Don Endicott: MAH04747 COTO reentry 20220808 2006 PDT frame grab at 35 seconds cr bw
Don Endicott: SMU01815_20220807_044032_000 COTO roost return sequence screen shot cr
Don Endicott: SMU01815_20220807_0451905_000 COTO roost return sequence with social calls screen shot cr
Don Endicott: SMU01815_20220807_051850_000 COTO roost return sequence with social calls screen shot cr