Don Endicott: 20231109 DSC_8435 Waning crescent moon 14% 600 mm ISO 400 f_63 1_250 sec 0503 PST q12
Don Endicott: 20231109 DSC_8341 Crescent moon and Venus 150mm ISO 400 f_71 1_400 sec 0443 PST q11
Don Endicott: 20231110 DSC_8579 Waning crescent moon 8% 600 mm ISO 6400 f_63 1_40 sec 0526 PST q11 labeled
Don Endicott: 20231110 DSC_8579 Waning crescent moon 8% 600 mm ISO 6400 f_63 1_40 sec 0526 PST q11
Don Endicott: 20231110 DSC_8532 Waning crescent moon 8% 600 mm ISO 1600 f_63 1_320 sec 0507 PST q12
Don Endicott: 20231109 DSC_8435 Waning crescent moon 14% 600 mm ISO 400 f_63 1_250 sec 0503 PST 2
Don Endicott: 20231109 DSC_8435 Waning crescent moon 14% 600 mm ISO 400 f_63 1_250 sec 0503 PST labeled
Don Endicott: 20231108 DSC_0758 Venus and waning crescent moon 21 percent 0439 PST context view q11
Don Endicott: 20231108 DSC_8314 Venus 600 mm ISO 320 f_9 1_640 sec 0450 PST q11
Don Endicott: 20231108 DSC_8254 Waning crescent moon 21% 600 mm ISO 400 f_63 1_250 sec 0427 PST rotated
Don Endicott: 20231108 DSC_8254 Waning crescent moon 21% 600 mm ISO 400 f_63 1_250 sec 0427 PST rotated labeled
Don Endicott: 20231108 DSC_8254 Waning crescent moon 21% 600 mm ISO 400 f_63 1_250 sec 0427 PST q12
Don Endicott: 20231107 DSC_8191 Waning crescent moon 28% 600 mm ISO 100 f_9 1_500 sec 1126 PST inverted
Don Endicott: 20231107 DSC_8191 Waning crescent moon 28% 600 mm ISO 100 f_9 1_500 sec 1126 PST post
Don Endicott: 20231107 DSC_8191 Waning crescent moon 28% 600 mm ISO 100 f_9 1_500 sec 1126 PST
Don Endicott: 20231105 DSC_8023 Waning moon 50% 600 mm ISO 320 f_9 1_500 sec 1310 PST q12
Don Endicott: 20231105 DSC_8023 Waning moon 50% 600 mm ISO 320 f_9 1_500 sec 1310 PST q12 labeled
Don Endicott: 20231105 DSC_8023 Waning moon 50% 600 mm ISO 320 f_9 1_500 sec 1310 PST q12
Don Endicott: DSC_7974 Waning moon 60% 600 mm ISO 320 f_8 1_500 sec q12
Don Endicott: 20231103 DSC_7944 Waning moon 69% 600 mm ISO 250 f_8 1_500 sec q12
Don Endicott: 20231106 DSC_8181 Jupiter 600 mm ISO 250 f_9 1_400 sec q12
Don Endicott: 20231106 DSC_8176 Waning crescent moon 40% 600 mm ISO 400 f_8 1_400 sec 1416 PST q12
Don Endicott: 20231105 DSC_8023 Waning moon 50% 600 mm ISO 320 f_9 1_500 sec 1310 PST q12
Don Endicott: 20231103 DSC_7944 Waning moon 69% 600 mm ISO 250 f_8 1_500 sec detail q12
Don Endicott: 20231103 DSC_7944 Waning moon 69% 600 mm ISO 250 f_8 1_500 sec detail q12 labeled
Don Endicott: DSC_7944 Waning moon 69% 600 mm ISO 250 f_8 1_500 sec q12
Don Endicott: 20231101 DSC_7899 Waning moon 78% 600 mm ISO 250 f_8 1_500 sec cw 64 deg q12
Don Endicott: 20231101 DSC_7899 Waning moon 78% 600 mm ISO 250 f_8 1_500 sec q12
Don Endicott: 20231031 DSC_7876 Waning moon 86% 600 mm ISO 320 f_9 1_500 sec q12
Don Endicott: DSC_7848 Waning moon 93% 600 mm ISO 320 f_11 1_500 sec q12 labeled