Don Endicott:
01 DSC_2143 KQ meteor 20 mm f2_2 ISO 1600 15 sec 2206 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt m30 sat m20 sharp 5 astro noise rot cw 0_5 deg q80-014 win cr
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01a DSC_2143 KQ meteor 20 mm f2_2 ISO 1600 15 sec 2206 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt m30 sat m20 sharp 5 astro noise rot cw 0_5 deg q80-014 win cr tight
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02 DSC_2514 KQ meteor 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 20 sec 0033 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt p50 cont p10 sharp 5 astro noise q80-012 win cr
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02a DSC_2514 KQ meteor 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 20 sec 0033 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt p50 cont p10 sharp 5 astro noise q80-012 win cr2 tight
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03 DSC_2605 KQ meteor 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 20 sec 0104 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt p30 cont p10 sharp 5 astro noise q80-015 win cr2
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03a DSC_2605 KQ meteor 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 20 sec 0104 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt p30 cont p10 sharp 5 astro noise q80-015 win cr tight
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04 DSC_2622 KQ meteor 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 20 sec 0110 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt p30 cont p10 sharp 5 astro noise q80-016 win cr
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04a DSC_2622 KQ meteor 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 20 sec 0110 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt p30 cont p10 sharp 5 astro noise q80-016 win cr3 tight
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11 DSC_2946 KQ meteor through clouds over Palm Springs 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 20 sec 2155 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt p10 cont p10 shad 60 sharp 5 astro noise q80-018
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11a DSC_2946 KQ meteor through clouds over Palm Springs 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 20 sec 2155 PDT RAW NXS temp 3700 brt 0 cont p10 shad 60 sharp 5 astro noise q80-019 win cr
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20210810_183401 10 Daytime view from KQ meteor watching site
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30 DSC_3938 KQ Perseid fireball along Milky Way 14 mm f2_8 ISO 3200 25 sec 0349 PDT RAW NXS temp 3800 brt m30 shad 40 sharp 5 astro vign 200 q90-004 win cr
Don Endicott:
30a DSC_3938 KQ Perseid fireball along Milky Way 14 mm f2_8 ISO 3200 25 sec 0349 PDT RAW NXS temp 3800 brt m30 shad 40 sharp 5 astro vign 200 q90-004 win cr2
Don Endicott:
31 DSC_4533 KQ Perseid wavy fireball 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 0016 PDT RAW NXS temp 3800 brt m10 cont p10 shad 40 sharp 5 astro noise vign 200 q90 win cr
Don Endicott:
31a DSC_4533 KQ Perseid wavy fireball 14 mm f2_8 ISO 2000 0016 PDT RAW NXS temp 3800 brt m10 cont p10 shad 40 sharp 5 astro noise vign 200 q90-004 win cr2
Don Endicott:
40 DSC_6334 Pre-dawn Perseid meteor and zodiacal light near constellations Taurus and Orion signed q10