Don Endicott:
DSC02514 Keying out California myotis cs6 cr 65% shad 10 high 5 sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
DSC02521 Jill demonstrating keying a mist net MYCA cs6 shad 50 high 50 sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
DSC02527 Jill removing COTO from mist net cs6 shad 30 high 30 sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
DSC02544 Townsend's big-eared bat after removal from mist net cs6 cr 80% shad 15 high 3 sharp 20 heal q11
Don Endicott:
DSC02569 Pallid bat after removal from mist net cs6 cr vert 60% shad 10 high 5 sharp 20 curv plus heal q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191004_211444271 Female Pallid bat in mist net cs6 cr 2x3 shad 10 high 10 sharp 20 cr2 97% curv plus heal q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191004_211702991 Female Pallid bat after removal from mist net cs6 cr 2x3 cr2 93% shad 10 high 1 sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191004_211958882 Female Pallid bat after removal from mist net cs6 cr 2x3 shad 10 high 10 sharp 20 curv plus cr 95% q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191004_213311102 Second male Pallid bat in mist net cs6 cr 2x3 cr 85% q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191004_213643231 Second male Pallid bat cs3 cr 2x3 shad 10 high 10 sharp 20 curv plus cr2 98% q11
Don Endicott:
DSC02589 Main pond at Zzyzx panorama cr sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
DSC02592 Pool House
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_165923301 Salt Creek Hills staging area
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_170227786 Salt Creek Hills kiosk sign
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_175900264 Hiking to mine survey area in Salt Creek Hills cs6 cr 90% q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_180216159 Sunset lighting looking north from mine road cs6 sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_180625241 Stamp mill ruins cs6 sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_181044383 Pat and team inspecting bat access cover cs6 shad 25 high 5 sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_181443160 Bat interpretive plaque cs6 cr 2x3 sharp 20 q10
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_183342701 Upper mine shaft entrance where Don observed cs6 shad 15 q10
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_213325981 California myostis in mist net best cs6 cr 2x3 shad 25 high 5 sharp 20 cr2 95% q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_213855151 California myostis in hand wing stretched cs6 cr 2x3 shad 25 high 1 sharp 20 heal q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_214138711 Pallid bat tangled in mist net cs6 cr 2x3 shad 10 high 1 sharp 20 q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_214811274 Dorsal side of Pallid bat in hand cs6 cr 2x3 q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191005_214922986 Pallid bat in hand cs6 cr 2x3 cr 95% shad 10 high 1 sharp 20 heal q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191006_140740899_HDR Jill's roost mitigation presentation cs6 cr 91% cr2 2x3 q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191006_144011266 Field notes Zzyzx cs6 cr 2x3 heal q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191006_144035051 Field notes Amargosa spring cs6 cr 2x3 heal q11
Don Endicott:
IMG_20191006_150006721 Zzyzx Soda Spring dry lake panorama cs6 cr vert 90% cr hor 83% q7