Don Endicott: DSC05853 Laguna bat studio view to W cs6 q11
Don Endicott: DSC_3326 Townsend’s big-eared bat at Laguna Ranch signed q12
Don Endicott: DSC_3192 California myotis cs6 q12
Don Endicott: DSC_3194 California myotis q12
Don Endicott: DSC_3196 California myotis side wing tip view cs6 q12
Don Endicott: DSC_3206 Long-eared myotis cs6 q12
Don Endicott: DSC_3207 California myotis after a drink cs6 q12
Don Endicott: DSC_3207 California myotis after a drink cs6 q12
Don Endicott: DSC05873 Laguna Ranch panorama cs6 merge q10
Don Endicott: 01_fc50_MYOCAL_20180813_215004 Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot rv1 cr
Don Endicott: 02_fc46_PARHES_20180813_193758 Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr
Don Endicott: 03fc_42_MYOCIL_20180813_203630 Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr
Don Endicott: 04_fc35_MYOEVO_20180813_220555 with NYCFEM Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr
Don Endicott: 05_fc29_EPTFUS_20180813_200333 Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr
Don Endicott: 06_fc27_CORTOW_20180813_230338 Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr
Don Endicott: 07_fc26_TADBRA_20180813_201404 Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr
Don Endicott: 08_fc_25_MYOTHY_20180814_051223 with MYOCAL Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr
Don Endicott: 09_fc16_NYCFEM_20180813_234741 Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr
Don Endicott: 10_fc12_EUMPER_20180813_203542 Laguna Ranch FS and ZC screen shot cr