Don Endicott:
DSC_6182 Osprey banked turn 1b
Don Endicott:
DSC_6181 Osprey banked turn 1a
Don Endicott:
DSC_6183 Osprey banked turn 1c
Don Endicott:
DSC_6206 Osprey hover 1
Don Endicott:
DSC_6207 Osprey hover 2
Don Endicott:
DSC_6208 Osprey hover 3
Don Endicott:
DSC_6215 Osprey looking just before dive
Don Endicott:
DSC_6216 Osprey starting dive
Don Endicott:
DSC_6218 Osprey dive blur
Don Endicott:
DSC_6219 Osprey dive with talons forward 70%
Don Endicott:
DSC_6219 Osprey dive with talons forward 40%
Don Endicott:
DSC_6220 Osprey underwater
Don Endicott:
DSC_6221 Osprey taking off from water with fish
Don Endicott:
DSC_6222 Osprey taking off from water with fish
Don Endicott:
DSC_6226 Osprey carrying Barred Surfperch over wave
Don Endicott:
DSC_6227 Western Gull following Opsrey carrying Barred Surfperch
Don Endicott:
DSC_6230 Western Gull chasing Osprey
Don Endicott:
DSC_6232 Western Gull chasing Osprey
Don Endicott:
DSC_6234 Osprey with Barred Surfperch close approach wings down
Don Endicott:
DSC_6235 Osprey with Barred Surfperch close approach wings up
Don Endicott:
DSC_6236 Osprey wiht Barred Surfperch passing below cliff
Don Endicott:
DSC_6237 Osprey with Barred Surfperch and Western Gulls
Don Endicott:
DSC_6239 Osprey passing bluff