Don Endicott: DSC01619 Day 0 Sunday Trail to May Lake and Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01631 High Sierra Camp at May Lake
Don Endicott: DSC01637 East side of Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01660 Two bucks in velvet
Don Endicott: DSC01673 High Sierra Trail viewpoint panorama
Don Endicott: DSC01695 Mount Conness
Don Endicott: DSC01727 May Lake from northeast ridge of Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01750 East summit of Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01767 Marmot near summit of Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01784 Half Dome from saddle below Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01786 Clouds Rest and Half Dome from saddle below Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01799 Trail across Mount Hoffman plateau
Don Endicott: DSC01806 Unnamed lake below north face of Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01820 Don standing on Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01829 Mount Hoffman summit panorama
Don Endicott: DSC01853 Belding's Ground Squirrel
Don Endicott: DSC01856 Tenaya Lake
Don Endicott: DSC01862 Cathedral Peak from east slope of Mount Hoffman
Don Endicott: DSC01868 May Lake
Don Endicott: DSC01877 Day 1 Monday our tents at White Wolf Campground
Don Endicott: DSC01878 YC kitchen area
Don Endicott: DSC01882 First breakfast
Don Endicott: DSC01884 First breakfast
Don Endicott: DSC01885 Trailhead rendezvous
Don Endicott: DSC01894 Molly leads morning stretches
Don Endicott: DSC01895 Vicky has us count off tools
Don Endicott: DSC01900 Vicky explains inital tasks at start of work area
Don Endicott: DSC01902 Hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go
Don Endicott: DSC01903 Project description sign
Don Endicott: DSC01908 George Maddie Molly and Rudy haul burned log