Don Endicott: DSC09192 Santiago Peak aka Saddleback high point of Orange County
Don Endicott: DSC09197 Mount San Gorgonio viewed from State Route 243
Don Endicott: DSC09201 Mount Baldy in distance
Don Endicott: DSC09218 Mt San Gorgonio and Banning Pass clouds panoramasigned
Don Endicott: DSC09226 Baden Powell from Angeles Crest Hwy panorama
Don Endicott: DSC09232 Vincent Gap PCT trailhead
Don Endicott: DSC09245 Baden Powell start time 0930 PDT
Don Endicott: DSC09248 PCT trail marker near start of trail
Don Endicott: DSC09257 Locked gate at Vincent Gap
Don Endicott: DSC09260 Fir forest
Don Endicott: DSC09265 One of many switchbacks
Don Endicott: DSC09294 Lodgepole Chipmunk Tamias speciosus on log
Don Endicott: DSC09299 Giant Sugar Pine cones
Don Endicott: DSC09305 Washed out section of PCT
Don Endicott: DSC09310 Entering world of Lodgepole Pines
Don Endicott: DSC09316 Desert view
Don Endicott: DSC09317 Big Rock Creek looking toward Antelope Valley
Don Endicott: DSC09323 Lodgepole Pine and cloud
Don Endicott: DSC09334 Saddle below Baden-Powell summit
Don Endicott: DSC09336 Vincent Gulch with Mount Baldy in distance
Don Endicott: DSC09356 Wally Waldron Tree
Don Endicott: DSC09359 Wally Waldron Tree sign
Don Endicott: DSC09369 Baden-Powell day hiker Betsy at summit
Don Endicott: DSC09374 Don with 3-Peak banner at Baden-Powell
Don Endicott: DSC09378 A Scout Is plaque
Don Endicott: DSC09391 Baden-Powell monument viewed from summit
Don Endicott: DSC09393 Mount Baden-Powell aka North Baldy benchmark
Don Endicott: DSC09399 Day hiker flag photo session
Don Endicott: DSC09404 Don witth A16 banner at Baden-Powell flag when westbound
Don Endicott: DSC09407 Heading toward Mount Burnham and Throop Peak