Don Endicott: DSC03524 Bayside cliffs of Point Loma
Don Endicott: DSC03525 Old road to WWII observation bunkers
Don Endicott: DSC03517 WWII SD observation bunker
Don Endicott: DSC03526 California Bush Sunflower
Don Endicott: DSC03548 Colorful breeding male Western Fence Lizard
Don Endicott: DSC03551 Warren taking Fence Lizard portrait
Don Endicott: DSC03553 Warren observes as Stephanie hold Fence Lizard
Don Endicott: DSC03556 Alert Western Fence Lizard
Don Endicott: DSC03535 Black Calosoma Beetles (Calosoma semilaeve) circling this way and that
Don Endicott: DSC03529 California Pink Glow Worm (Microphotus angustus)
Don Endicott: DSC03591 Stephanie holding Night Snake
Don Endicott: DSC03598 Stephanie holding Night Snake
Don Endicott: DSC03627 San Diego Night Snake
Don Endicott: DSC03637 Female Alligator Lizard
Don Endicott: DSC03640 Sphinx Moth
Don Endicott: DSC03645 California Sun Cup
Don Endicott: DSC03663 Blue Dicks