Don Endicott: DSC00142 Start of Marion Mountain Trail 0841 PDT
Don Endicott: DSC00144 Morning light Santiago Peak to left Baldy to right
Don Endicott: DSC00147 Entering San Jacinto Wilderness 0925 PDT
Don Endicott: DSC00158 Monday Maniacs ascending an easier section
Don Endicott: DSC00162 Don at Marion Mountain Deer Springs trails junction sign
Don Endicott: DSC00163 Looking west to Santiago Peak
Don Endicott: DSC00169 Monday Maniacs hiking on ascent through forest
Don Endicott: DSC00180 First water 1124 PDT
Don Endicott: DSC00181 Columbine at first water
Don Endicott: DSC00186 Lilly
Don Endicott: DSC00189 Little Round Valley 1145 PDT
Don Endicott: DSC00198 Wit napping Little Round Valley
Don Endicott: DSC00204 Snack break Little Round Valley 1206 PDT
Don Endicott: DSC00214 Susan Wit Mike on trail after snack break
Don Endicott: DSC00220 Susan approaching summit path junction sign
Don Endicott: DSC00224 Susan Wit and Mike on trail below Peak Shelter
Don Endicott: DSC00229 San Jacinto Peak Shelter
Don Endicott: DSC00233 Wit on summit scramble
Don Endicott: DSC00238 View of Mount San Gorgonio from San Jacinto benchmark
Don Endicott: DSC00249 A16 flag and GPS at San Jacinto benchmark
Don Endicott: DSC00257 Don with A16 summit flag on San Jacinto wide view
Don Endicott: DSC00273 Midsummer clouds over Desert Hot Springs
Don Endicott: DSC00279 San Jacinto group photo with Monday Maniacs
Don Endicott: DSC00281 Toro Peak
Don Endicott: DSC00284 San Jacinto Peak Shelter
Don Endicott: DSC00287 Peak Shelter courtesy sign
Don Endicott: DSC00288 Peak Shelter interior
Don Endicott: DSC00291 Susan Hirsch and Wit desending summit path
Don Endicott: DSC00297 Lodgepole boulder hug
Don Endicott: DSC00299 Return to first water 1514 PDT