Don Endicott:
01 Friday IMG_20140404_115243_508 Borrego Palm Canyon Campground Site 51
Don Endicott:
02 IMG_20140404_115744_893 Borrego Palm Canyon Campground Site 51
Don Endicott:
03 DSC03421 Hawk Watch evening site
Don Endicott:
03 DSC03424 Hawk Watch evening counters with two Swainson's Hawks in sight
Don Endicott:
05 DSC03430 Coyote Mountain from evening site
Don Endicott:
06 DSC03435 Dunes twilight from evening site
Don Endicott:
07 DSC03440 Sunset Mountain cloud show viewed from evening site
Don Endicott:
08 DSC03449 Evening skyline over Indianhead Peak
Don Endicott:
09 IMG_20140405_064423_106 Dust storm viewed from camp
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10 Saturday IMG_20140405_072742_209 Overlook Trail starting point
Don Endicott:
11 DSC03468 Borrego Valley sunrise dust storm from Overlook Trail
Don Endicott:
12 IMG_20140405_071450_781 Lower campground from top of Overlook Trail
Don Endicott:
13 DSC03492 Borrego Palm Canyon campground from Overlook Trail
Don Endicott:
14 DSC03500 Susan Randy and Lisa prior to Silent Auction
Don Endicott:
15 DSC03506 Welcome to Archaeology Weekend
Don Endicott:
16 DSC03507 Bob Emery interpreting uses of native plants table
Don Endicott:
17 DSC03522 Baja Kumeyaay Tipai basket making and pottery
Don Endicott:
18 DSC03515 Daria Mariscal PaiPai artist from Santa Catarina Baja holding pine needle basket
Don Endicott:
19 DSC03531 Path between BARC and Visitor Center
Don Endicott:
20 DSC03524 Dave Van Cleve humorous talk
Don Endicott:
21 DSC03540 Joan Schneider talk on history of archaeology in ABDSP
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22 DSC03546 Joel Kilpatrick talk on rock art
Don Endicott:
23 DSC03556 Joel Kilpatrick talk on rock art
Don Endicott:
24 DSC03570 Emerys interpreting uses of native plants
Don Endicott:
25 DSC03579 Carol instructing on making pottery
Don Endicott:
26 DSC03585 Eugenie at Site Steward displays
Don Endicott:
27 DSC03587 Carol instructing young potters
Don Endicott:
28 DSC03596 Visitor Center to Campground trail
Don Endicott:
29 DSC03600 Campsite twilight view of Coyote Mountain
Don Endicott:
30 DSC03601 Preliminary activities at Peg Leg Smith Liars Contest