Don Endicott:
DSC02347 Pond at Gambrill Mill
Don Endicott:
DSC02349 Gambrill Mill trailhead
Don Endicott:
DSC02351 Old pump house at Gambrill Mill
Don Endicott:
DSC02355 Boardwalk around Gambrill Mill battle site
Don Endicott:
DSC02358 Modern Georgetown Pike bridge over Monocacy River
Don Endicott:
DSC02360 Burning of the B&O Railroad bridge interpretive sign
Don Endicott:
DSC02363 Contemporary CSX Railroad Bridge
Don Endicott:
DSC02369 Gambrill Mill site
Don Endicott:
DSC02371 Stone house at Gambrill Mill
Don Endicott:
DSC02373 Monument to 14th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers
Don Endicott:
DSC02384 New Jersey monument commemoration plaque cs3 curv plus q11 cont p20
Don Endicott:
DSC02385 Winter clouds racing by overhead
Don Endicott:
DSC02392 Another view of New Jersey monument
Don Endicott:
DSC02394 Monument to 14th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers
Don Endicott:
DSC02402 Rental car at New Jersey monument
Don Endicott:
DSC02409 Road to Best Farm battlefield
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DSC02412 Historic Best House
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DSC02419 Confederate cannon facing Monocacy Junction railroad tracks
Don Endicott:
DSC02424 Another view of Best House and circa 1790s stone barn at left
Don Endicott:
DSC02430 Cannon and 18th Century secondary building
Don Endicott:
DSC02444 Don at Monocacy Battlefield Visitor Center sign
Don Endicott:
DSC02456 Monocacy National Battlefield Visitor Center cs3 rot cw 1 deg q11 cr 94%
Don Endicott:
DSC02458 Visitor Center display
Don Endicott:
DSC02460 Visitor Center displays
Don Endicott:
DSC02461 Visitor Center displays
Don Endicott:
DSC02472 Battle of Monocacy final engagement
Don Endicott:
DSC02479 Visitors viewing battle sequence display
Don Endicott:
DSC02482 General Gordon's attack across Thomas Farm
Don Endicott:
DSC02485 Monument to southern soldiers along Georgetown Pike
Don Endicott:
DSC02487 Plaque commemorating Lee's encampment before Antietam