Don Endicott: 009 DSC_6801 Bryce Canyon Motel neon
Don Endicott: 012 2012-04-02_09-49-24_645 UT State Highway 12
Don Endicott: 013 2012-04-02_10-04-48_979 Another view from Utah Highway 12
Don Endicott: 015 2012-04-02_10-59-40_322 Don and Collared Lizard status Escalante NM Visitor Center
Don Endicott: 016 2012-04-02_11-15-02_606 Driving to Calf Creek
Don Endicott: 017 2012-04-02_11-15-50_47 Utah 12 Overlook Calf Creek toward Henry Mountains
Don Endicott: 022 DSC_6811 Campsite Calf Creek Campground
Don Endicott: 025 DSC_6830 Small temple along Lower Falls Trail
Don Endicott: 026 2012-04-02_14-13-11_726 Calf Creek along lower falls trail
Don Endicott: 029 DSC_6892 Mike and Don and Lower Calf Creek Falls
Don Endicott: 031 DSC_6919 Sandstone alcove along Calf Creek
Don Endicott: 033 DSC_6938 Bob and Michael inspect a Coachwhip
Don Endicott: 034 DSC_6943 Coachwhip closeup in Bob's hand
Don Endicott: 035 DSC_6952 Calf Creek viewed south from snake site
Don Endicott: 037 DSC_6964 Fremont pictograph side canyon
Don Endicott: 039 DSC_6985 Michael climbing short pitch to Fremont pictographs
Don Endicott: 040 2012-04-02_16-49-27_487 Iconic Fremont pictographs above Calf Creek
Don Endicott: 042 2012-04-02_16-56-14_344 Looking up from pictograph ledge
Don Endicott: 045 DSC_6990 Looking up from pictograph ledge
Don Endicott: 046 DSC_6995 Mike Bob and Michael descending from pictograph site
Don Endicott: 047 DSC_7055 Calf Creek upstream clouds
Don Endicott: 049 DSC_7070 Evening clouds moving in over Calf Creek
Don Endicott: 051 2012-04-02_18-06-58_112 Moonrise over Calf Creek
Don Endicott: 053 DSC_7081 Last light back at camp
Don Endicott: 054 DSC_7092 Orion Taurus and Venus in the Hyades from Lower Falls Trail
Don Endicott: 055 DSC_7110 Calf Creek by light of quarter moon
Don Endicott: 058 2012-04-03_11-34-44_857 Road to Egypt trailhead
Don Endicott: 061 DSC_7151 Checking out Egypt 2 slot canyon pour-off
Don Endicott: 063 DSC_7154 Aerial view of Egypt 2 slot canyon
Don Endicott: 067 DSC_7175 Leopard Lizard wide view