Don Endicott: 01 2012-07-24_06-45-26_905 Kaye releasing California Thrasher to carry bag
Don Endicott: 02 2012-07-24_06-45-11_630 Young California Thrasher first catch of day
Don Endicott: 03 2012-07-24_06-50-00_784 Carry bag in Kaye's NPS truck
Don Endicott: 04 2012-07-24_06-52-21_710 Kaye approaching Spotted Towhee
Don Endicott: 05 2012-07-24_06-56-07_294 Kaye with Spotted Towhee
Don Endicott: 06 2012-07-24_07-02-44_84 Katie banding Western Tanager
Don Endicott: 07 2012-07-24_07-03-39_766 Banding station wide view
Don Endicott: 08 2012-07-24_07-04-16_352 Kaye and Katie at banding table
Don Endicott: 09 2012-07-24_07-05-09_850 Kaye with Spotted Towhee at banding table
Don Endicott: 10 2012-07-24_07-05-40_10 Katie inspecting Western Tanager
Don Endicott: 11 2012-07-24_07-10-46_501 Katie photographing Western Tanager
Don Endicott: 12 2012-07-24_07-11-10_134 Western Tanager just prior to release
Don Endicott: 13 2012-07-24_07-19-49_325 Weighing Spotted Towhee
Don Endicott: 14 2012-07-24_07-22-21_905 Alex and Suellen with 13 Bushtits
Don Endicott: 15 2012-07-24_07-23-45_705 Suellen banding California Thrasher
Don Endicott: 16 2012-07-24_07-23-53_684 Suellen banding California Thrasher
Don Endicott: 17 2012-07-24_07-24-05_2 Suellen banding California Thrasher
Don Endicott: 18 2012-07-24_07-36-53_189 Kaye returning from empty mist net
Don Endicott: 19 2012-07-24_07-41-09_636 Kaye Suellen and Alex working on Bushtits
Don Endicott: 20 2012-07-24_07-42-58_12 Alex with Orange-crowned Warbler
Don Endicott: 21 2012-07-24_07-46-29_31 Kaye holding Bushtit
Don Endicott: 22 2012-07-24_07-49-35_515 Banding crew Katie Kaye Suellen Alex
Don Endicott: 23 2012-07-24_07-51-30_969 Kaye inspecting Bushtit brood patch
Don Endicott: 24 2012-07-24_07-52-52_438 Katie and Alex recording data for two Bushtits
Don Endicott: 25 2012-07-24_07-53-05_46 Weighing a Bushtit in film cannister
Don Endicott: 26 2012-07-24_08-04-47_307 Young male Anna's Hummingbird in mist nest net
Don Endicott: 27 2012-07-24_08-05-46_260 Kaye untangling Anna's Hummingbird
Don Endicott: 28 2012-07-24_08-12-16_297 Anna's Hummingbird on Kaye's palm
Don Endicott: 29 2012-07-24_08-23-11_910 Kaye releasing Wrentit from net