Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_11-30-24_471 Friday Cabrillo Tidepool Zone 1
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_12-02-49_168 Searching for reference markers
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_12-05-55_657 Flagging in Zone 2
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_12-22-57_808 Some sites were balancing acts
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_12-29-59_844 Knobby Starfish Pisaster giganteus
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_12-39-12_513 Flagging and initial photo surveys at seaward edge
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_12-45-31_846 Yes there are markers out there too
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_12-56-17_742 Pacing off transects
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-05-33_403 Must be a transit marker around here
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-10-11_11 Some recoveries are trickier than others
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-27-14_552 Grazing Giant Keyhole Limpet
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-27-33_777 Consulting the map
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-35-14_447 Zone 3 is off limits to Cabrillo visitors
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-43-32_938 Believe it or not this is a Sea Hare
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-50-37_954 This area needs a lower tide for surveying
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-56-33_420 Preparing to count and measure Owl Limpets in Zone 1
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_13-57-52_224 Marking the one meter census zone
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_14-07-21_882 Count and measure
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_14-13-15_80 Another view of count and measure
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_14-21-19_61 Another team surveying Owl Limpets in Zone 1
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_14-46-32_433 Tidepool project chief and other VIPs
Don Endicott:
2012-02-03_14-49-37_657 Imaging at a photo survey point
Don Endicott:
2012-02-06_07-30-46_840 Monday Mouse house in NPS van
Don Endicott:
2012-02-06_07-31-36_25 Mouse nest
Don Endicott:
2012-02-06_07-59-12_422 Herp trap during setup
Don Endicott:
2012-02-06_07-59-19_338 Herp trap ready for action
Don Endicott:
2012-02-06_08-00-55_566 Snake trap
Don Endicott:
2012-02-06_08-06-13_758 Herp setup off Bayside Trail
Don Endicott:
2012-02-06_08-06-32_372 Please do not disturb
Don Endicott:
2012-02-06_08-11-44_150 Another view of an active trap