Don Endicott:
01 DSC_3762 Soltice sunrise 0635 t minus 15 min 18mm
Don Endicott:
02 DSC_3763 Solstice sunrise 0637 t minus 13 200mm
Don Endicott:
03 2010-12-17_06-45-03_758 Cowles view of solstice rocks presunrise 0645
Don Endicott:
04 DSC_3772 Solstice sunrise 0646 t minus 4 min 440mm
Don Endicott:
05 DSC_3775 Solstice sunrise 0647 t minus 3 min 440mm
Don Endicott:
06 DSC_3777 Solstice sunrise 0648 t minus 2 min 440mm
Don Endicott:
07 DSC_3781 Solstice sunrise 0649 t minus 1 min 440mm
Don Endicott:
08 DSC_3785 Solstice sunrise 0650 pre emerge
Don Endicott:
09 DSC_3786 Solstice sunrise 0650 pre emerge
Don Endicott:
10 DSC_3787 Solstice sunrise 0650 pre emerge
Don Endicott:
11 DSC_3788 Solstice sunrise 0650 pre emerge
Don Endicott:
12 DSC_3789 Solstice sunrise 0650 moment of emerge
Don Endicott:
13 DSC_3790 Solstice sunrise 0650 left emerge with green flash
Don Endicott:
14 DSC_3791 Solstice sunrise 0650 left emerge with green flash
Don Endicott:
15 DSC_3792 Solstice sunrise 0650 left emerge
Don Endicott:
16 DSC_3793 Solstice sunrise 0650 right pre emerge
Don Endicott:
17 DSC_3794 Solstice sunrise 0650 right moment of emerge
Don Endicott:
18 DSC_3795 Solstice sunrise 0650 right emerge
Don Endicott:
19 DSC_3796 Solstice sunrise 0650 solar disk left of center
Don Endicott:
20 DSC_3797 Solstice sunrise 0650 solar disk left of center
Don Endicott:
21 DSC_3798 Solstice sunrise 0650 solar disk left of center
Don Endicott:
22 DSC_3799 Solstice sunrise 0650 solar disk highlighting vertical rock corridor
Don Endicott:
23 DSC_3800 Solstice sunrise 0651 solar disk centered and touching top of rocks
Don Endicott:
24 DSC_3801 Solstice sunrise 0651 solar disk centered and above top of rocks
Don Endicott:
25 DSC_3802 Solstice sunrise 0651 solar disk centered and above top of rocks
Don Endicott:
26 DSC_3803 Solstice sunrise 0651 solar disk centered and above top of rocks
Don Endicott:
27 DSC_3804 Solstice sunrise 0651 solar disk centered and above top of rocks
Don Endicott:
28 DSC_3805 Solstice sunrise 0651 solar disk centered and above top of rocks
Don Endicott:
29 DSC_3806 Solstice sunrise 0651 solar disk centered and above top of rocks
Don Endicott:
30 DSC_3807 Solstice sunrise 0651 solar disk right of center