Don Endicott:
01 DSC_1243 Blowout tire view from front
Don Endicott:
02 DSC_1244 Blowout tire view from side
Don Endicott:
03 DSC_1246 Airstream tire blowout setting view from front
Don Endicott:
04 DSC_1247 Airstream tire blowout setting view from rear
Don Endicott:
05 DSC_1249 Blowout tire tread at point of failure
Don Endicott:
06 DSC_1251 Blowout tire tread stretched out
Don Endicott:
07 P6010223 Passenger side wide view showing location of damage
Don Endicott:
08 P6010219 Damaged underbody behind passenger side wheel well oblique view
Don Endicott:
09 P6010222 Damaged underbody behind passenger side wheel well underneath view
Don Endicott:
11 P6010218 Hose behind passenger side wheel
Don Endicott:
12 P6010226 Undamaged driver's side underbody
Don Endicott:
13 P6010221 Damaged underbody behind passenger side wheel well side view
Don Endicott:
13 P6010228 A different Bambi showing undamaged passenger side underbody