Don Endicott:
001 DSC_0399 Walking from Stonewall trailhead
Don Endicott:
002 DSC_0401 Along trail to memorial site
Don Endicott:
003 DSC_0406 Mary Russell memorial overlook
Don Endicott:
004 DSC_0411 Arriving at the site
Don Endicott:
005 DSC_0427 Sharing memories
Don Endicott:
006 DSC_0438 Something funny
Don Endicott:
007 DSC_0441 Toni says a few words
Don Endicott:
008 DSC_0442 Toni and William
Don Endicott:
009 DSC_0445 Susie speaks
Don Endicott:
010 DSC_0450 View from above
Don Endicott:
011 DSC_0451 Another view from above
Don Endicott:
012 DSC_0455 Marilyn spreads first ashes
Don Endicott:
013 DSC_0456 Nina takes a turn
Don Endicott:
014 DSC_0458 Bob's gesture
Don Endicott:
015 DSC_0459 Marilyn thinks skyward
Don Endicott:
016 DSC_0461 Marilyn and Mary's great grandchildren
Don Endicott:
017 DSC_0468 When ash gets in your eyes
Don Endicott:
018 DSC_0470 Nina and Marilyn with last ashes
Don Endicott:
019 DSC_0474 Flower for Mary
Don Endicott:
020 DSC_0475 Dave after the ceremony
Don Endicott:
021 DSC_0480 Family portrait at Mary Russell site
Don Endicott:
022 DSC_0483 Heading back to the cars
Don Endicott:
023 DSC_0485 Looking back at the site
Don Endicott:
024 DSC_0487 Picnic at Pasa Picacho
Don Endicott:
025 DSC_0492 Picnic spread
Don Endicott:
026 DSC_0493 Toni and William
Don Endicott:
027 DSC_0498 Stephen Nina Cheyene William and Jordan
Don Endicott:
028 DSC_0501 Adult table and kid table
Don Endicott:
029 DSC_0505 JOrdan in a tree
Don Endicott:
030 DSC_0508 Jordan and Cheyene making prints