Don Endicott: 021 DSC_0848 Tuesday evening find of mule deer carcass
Don Endicott: 022 DSC_0862 Last view of tomorrow's meal
Don Endicott: 023 DSC_0874 Wednesday morning fresh tracks
Don Endicott: 024 DSC_0876 Next day Bear 3565 first look
Don Endicott: 025 DSC_0885 Bear 3565 at relocated mule deer carcass
Don Endicott: 026 DSC_0896 Bear 3565 staring down ravens
Don Endicott: 027 DSC_0911 Bear 3566 chasing off raven
Don Endicott: 028 DSC_0920 Bear 3565 swiping at another raven
Don Endicott: 029 DSC_0943 Bear 9 noses in on 3565
Don Endicott: 030 DSC_0946 Bear 9 after chased away
Don Endicott: 032 DSC_0952 Bear 9 sneaking in for a second try
Don Endicott: 033 DSC_0954 Bear 9 non challant approach
Don Endicott: 034 DSC_0962 Bear 3565 vocally threatening Bear 9
Don Endicott: 035 DSC_0964 Bear 9 circling closer
Don Endicott: 036 DSC_0965 Bear 9 backing off a bit
Don Endicott: 037 DSC_0971 Bear 9 feinting at raven
Don Endicott: 038 DSC_0977 Bear 9 watching raven walk away
Don Endicott: 039 DSC_0979 Bear 9 with open mouth
Don Endicott: 040 DSC_0987 Bear 9 still chasing raven
Don Endicott: 041 DSC_0990 Bear 9 coming back for third try
Don Endicott: 042 DSC_0993 Bear 9 getting closer
Don Endicott: 043 DSC_1006 Bear 9 nearing Bear 3565 again
Don Endicott: 044 DSC_0003 Bear 9 sits down
Don Endicott: 045 DSC_0015 Bear 9 approaches again
Don Endicott: 046 DSC_0019 Bear 9 last look at feast
Don Endicott: 047 DSC_0023 Have and have not
Don Endicott: 048 DSC_0024 Bear 9 decides to leave
Don Endicott: 049 DSC_0027 Bear 9 on the move for good
Don Endicott: 050 DSC_0030 Bear 9 last look of the morning
Don Endicott: 051 DSC_0036 Bear 3565 bluff chasing raven