Don Endicott:
PA180001 Start of hike to Oasis Trail
Don Endicott:
PA180004 Morning moon over Santa Rosas
Don Endicott:
PA180005 Oasis Trail
Don Endicott:
PA180008 First petroglyph site
Don Endicott:
PA180011 West facing panel
Don Endicott:
PA180013 Stone clearing
Don Endicott:
PA180018 Second petroglyph site
Don Endicott:
PA180020 Heading to third site
Don Endicott:
PA180021 Oasis Trail looking back
Don Endicott:
PA180023 Jenny pointing out an anthropomorph
Don Endicott:
PA180027 Brownware shards
Don Endicott:
PA180028 Grinding slicks
Don Endicott:
PA180029 Bow legged anthropomorph
Don Endicott:
PA180033 Picture rocks at Oasis 5
Don Endicott:
PA180034 Another highly decorated boulder at Oasis 5
Don Endicott:
PA180035 Glyphs on every rock
Don Endicott:
PA180039 Unusual anthropomorph
Don Endicott:
PA180045 Serpent rock
Don Endicott:
PA180048 Figure with headdress
Don Endicott:
PA180052 Jenny notes variety of sizes and shapes
Don Endicott:
PA180054 Curved geometric
Don Endicott:
PA180055 Wash to unnamed canyon
Don Endicott:
PA180056 Looking back from canyon entrance
Don Endicott:
PA180059 Approaching small seasonal camp
Don Endicott:
PA180061 The seasonal camp site
Don Endicott:
PA180066 Aerial view of seasonal camp
Don Endicott:
PA180067 Knoll view down canyon
Don Endicott:
PA180069 Historic or prehistoric stone wall
Don Endicott:
PA180070 Large boulder site up canyon
Don Endicott:
PA180072 Large boulder site