Don Endicott:
PA280291 Indianhead morning pano cr
Don Endicott:
PA280300 Russ at trailhead
Don Endicott:
PA280309 Indianhead canyon pano cr
Don Endicott:
PA280330 First Grove toothpicks
Don Endicott:
PA280334 Borrego Palm Cyn First Grove pano cr
Don Endicott:
PA280350 Young Borrego ram cr
Don Endicott:
PA280372 Borrego rams drinking cr2
Don Endicott:
PA280389 Indianhead south face pano cr
Don Endicott:
PA280395 Russ photographing rams
Don Endicott:
PA280401 Large ram looking at ewe
Don Endicott:
PA280410 Young ram silhouette cr
Don Endicott:
PA280412 Ewe and yearlings first look cr
Don Endicott:
PA280431 Ewe and yearlings in sun cr2
Don Endicott:
PA280442 Ewe and yearlings in sun cr
Don Endicott:
PA280457 Yearling closeup cr
Don Endicott:
PA280461 Borrego rams drinking cr
Don Endicott:
PA280466 Ewe and yearlings north side sun cr
Don Endicott:
PA280475 Big Borrego ram on rock facing cr
Don Endicott:
PA280484 Borrego rams looking up at ewe cr3
Don Endicott:
PA280532 Second Grove
Don Endicott:
PA280559 Route from Second Grove
Don Endicott:
PA280572 Indianhead west ridge pano cr
Don Endicott:
PA280590 Ridgeline view of Coyote Canyon
Don Endicott:
PA280595 Indianhead summit ridge
Don Endicott:
PA280605 Land of giant slabs
Don Endicott:
PA280608 Indianhead west ridge vert pano cr
Don Endicott:
PA280612 Indianhead Coyote pano cr
Don Endicott:
PA280638 Indianhead to Second Grove vert pano cr
Don Endicott:
PA280644 Russ with summit register
Don Endicott:
PA280658 Russ with swag