KanabCountry: Living room
KanabCountry: Down the hall... from the bedroom
KanabCountry: In the bedroom
KanabCountry: Bedroom closet
KanabCountry: The bed
KanabCountry: Bathroom, with trim added to the shelves
KanabCountry: Kitchen... and down the hall
KanabCountry: Kitchen... everything installed and working
KanabCountry: kitchen
KanabCountry: standing in the door
KanabCountry: The couch (and carpet)
KanabCountry: From the kitchen, looking towards the oustside door
KanabCountry: In the shop, looking in
KanabCountry: My circuit breakers
KanabCountry: Hot water tank
KanabCountry: Bathroom vanity. With tile...
KanabCountry: Range Hood and tile backsplash
KanabCountry: Paul's Leather Couch... and carpeted floor.