KanabCountry: Gypsy and Mischa
KanabCountry: Trail Riding
KanabCountry: Trail Riding
KanabCountry: My Lady
KanabCountry: Looking GOOD!
KanabCountry: Dinosaur Tracks
KanabCountry: Yenna, Tia, and Diva
KanabCountry: Yenna (left), Diva behind, Tia on the right.
KanabCountry: Yenna and Tia
KanabCountry: Yenna de la Rey
KanabCountry: The Image of Christ carrying the Cross
KanabCountry: Up the wall we go...
KanabCountry: Climbing to an entrance
KanabCountry: A "Toadstool" on the way...
KanabCountry: A bit of Beauty in the Desert
KanabCountry: Coper showing us how to get up
KanabCountry: The main entrance
KanabCountry: Another entrance
KanabCountry: The Main entrances
KanabCountry: A pretty Vista from up top...
KanabCountry: Planks across a deep vertical shaft
KanabCountry: One of the Caves
KanabCountry: A couple of Caves of the Main Cave
KanabCountry: Another Entrance
KanabCountry: Coper Exploring one of the Caves