KanabCountry: Looking past the bathroom, into the living room
KanabCountry: The bedroom closet
KanabCountry: The new wall
KanabCountry: Standing in the Living Room door
KanabCountry: Loking into the bathroom
KanabCountry: The King on his throne... pondering the plumbing.
KanabCountry: insulation kitchen corner
KanabCountry: insulation hall
KanabCountry: bedroom closet
KanabCountry: Hallway and Part of "Kitchen Area"
KanabCountry: New Window
KanabCountry: bathroom shower and shelves
KanabCountry: insulation kit corner
KanabCountry: hallway
KanabCountry: Looking down the hall towards the bedroom.
KanabCountry: Back wall, with new window.
KanabCountry: Looking at the side door and window in the living area
KanabCountry: Looking at the wall that will be the kitchen
KanabCountry: Looking out the "living room" door into the garage/workshop
KanabCountry: Looking down the "hall" to the side door
KanabCountry: Shower
KanabCountry: Green Board around shower; built-in shelves
KanabCountry: DANG!!! "Screwed Up" again.
KanabCountry: Corner of Bed Room and closet
KanabCountry: water heater
KanabCountry: main valve system
KanabCountry: Plumbing... using PEX. Both Bathroom and kitchen.
KanabCountry: Living Room - With door into workshop installed
KanabCountry: Down the hall --
KanabCountry: Bedroom closet