evanhind: Fall Colors
esther_bartels: Little Green Heron with Breakfast
Reihman: Hawk Moth
Charles Patrick Ewing: Eiffel Tower at MIdnight
bjcoving: May 30 Sunset 2018
DougS2013: IMG_7269
Charles Patrick Ewing: Queen Butterfly
nugefishes: Closed in
koen_jacobs: Guggenheim Museum
evanhind: Nebraska Windmill - Platte River Valley
evanhind: Platte River Sunrise
nugefishes: Iowa Ring Necked Pheasant
cl.lin: American Bald Eagle Dive [3162]
evanhind: Bald Eagle and its Mini-Me
evanhind: Last Legs
evanhind: HWW Iowa
evanhind: Frosty Fish
evanhind: Chillin'
Charles Patrick Ewing: Harbor Reflections
DougS2013: StarStaX__MG_4423-_MG_4689_gap_filling
cl.lin: Northern lights, Iceland [9694]
cl.lin: Arnarstapi at Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland [0744]
cl.lin: Hellnar church, Snæfellsnes peninsula, Iceland [0783]
evanhind: Seminole Valley Windmill
evanhind: Hognose Snake
nugefishes: Iowa Highway Construction
DougS2013: new _MG_2818
evanhind: Roadside Barns