Nick Isherwood: Ring-necked Duck
hellotim80: Long Tailed Tit
hellotim80: Yorkshire Merlin
bradinho8: Whinchat Red Barn Lane
bradinho8: Juvenile Black-Necked Grebe @ Carr Mill Dam, Merseyside
Annette_C: geranium centre
aledwilliams2: Liar bird....
hellotim80: Avocet and Friend
Sussex Birder: Grey Heron with Bank Vole prey
John Tymon: Stonechat - Male
hellotim80: Harvest Mouse
Robbob2010: Heres Mummy
hellotim80: Red Squiirel
bradinho8: Redshank flyby 1
johno147uk: Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus)
Susan & Peter Wilson: Peregrine Falcon with Lapwing capture
John Tymon: Nuthatch
hellotim80: Barn Owl
hellotim80: Mice through the looking grass
johno147uk: Sparrowhawk
Susan & Peter Wilson: Cuckoo with Reed Warbler
Susan & Peter Wilson: Rose-coloured Starling