Kellfi: 24/1 new Nails
Kellfi: 22/1/18 new hair. Shit selfie
Kellfi: 20/1. Cosy candle nights
Kellfi: 19/1 lunchtime dress shopping 😍
Kellfi: 18/1 just a small salad!!
Kellfi: 15/1/18 spelling homework 📚
Kellfi: 17/1/18 - Home working
Kellfi: 13/1/18. Softplay afternoon 😭
Kellfi: 12/1 the biggest bugbear of my life...point number 1 😐
Kellfi: 11/1/18. My Nanas bureau restored for my bedroom.
Kellfi: 10/1 making his own breakfast - could be the start of things to come
Kellfi: £5 bargain picture for my new bedroom
Kellfi: Sharks & foam soap whatever else do you need at 8?
Kellfi: 5/1/18 foggy Friday mornings
Kellfi: 4/1/18 back to school. No moaning yet
Kellfi: 3/1/18 - back to the grind
Kellfi: Bowling concentration. 2/1/18
Kellfi: NYD 2018. Matthew, Liam & 97 year old Papa Bob
Kellfi: 18th April 2007
Kellfi: Mason and I
Kellfi: My House