Todd F: 5/10/17
Todd F: Done! (Finally)
Todd F: Columns painted! (Now I just need to paint the pediment before the steps collapse!)
Todd F: Backyard 4/30/16
Todd F: Day 19
Todd F: Day 12
Todd F: 10
Todd F: Watching grass grow: day 8 (green "peach fuzz" is visible!)
Todd F: Watching grass grow: day 7 (after a week of heavy rains washed away a lot of the grass seed)
Todd F: "Watching the grass grow"; Day 1
Todd F: Backyard progress
Todd F: Big old cherry tree
Todd F: Big old cherry tree
Todd F: Back yard cleared!
Todd F: Back Yard - Before
Todd F: BY A IMG_4227
Todd F: Back Yard - After
Todd F: BY B IMG_1387
Todd F: Living Room - Before
Todd F: Living Room - After
Todd F: Hallway Before
Todd F: Hallway After
Todd F: K IMG_4068
Todd F: Kitchen East - Before
Todd F: Kitchen East - After
Todd F: Dining Room - Before
Todd F: Dining Room - After
Todd F: fence and tree 2
Todd F: Ocean Scales
Todd F: Hillside